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Summer Camps

Posted On : Mar-26-2011 | seen (269) times | Article Word Count : 417 |

The need for Summer Camps in today’s busy life has gained importance as it allows our child to get acquainted with nature and spend more time outdoors. There is precious learning here that needs to be inculcated in kids today.
Summer camps for children are a great way to introduce them to nature and allow them to appreciate outdoor activity. Although some might think of “Summer Camps” as an elitist idea in country like India, but that’s not true. A growing urban population with changing lifestyles has resulted in children having less contact with the natural world. And all this is having a huge impact on our children’s health and development.

In a recent study carried out in Britain, some interesting findings came out. It was found that “the distance our kids stray from home on their own has shrunk by 90% since the 70s; 43% of adults think a child shouldn't play outdoors unsupervised until the age of 14. More children are now admitted to British hospitals for injuries incurred falling out of bed than falling out of trees.” Now if you think this scenario is alien to India, you should check it by yourself and survey your neighbourhood to see if there is any difference.

"There's a paradox," says Stephen Moss, naturalist, broadcaster and author. "More kids today are interested in the natural world than ever before; they watch it on the telly; they may well visit a nature reserve or a National Trust site with their families. But far fewer are experiencing it directly, on their own or with their friends, and that's what counts: this is about more than nature." "I was out on my own and with my friends all the time, from the age of about eight," says Moss, now 50. "Climbing trees, building dens, collecting birds' eggs and frogspawn. Today, parents don't even want their kids to get dirty."

There have been so many other studies and findings by expert that point out the dwindling outdoor activity in nature and its resulting ill-effects on children. This lack of interaction with nature and outdoors has been so acute that the American writer Richard Louv, author of the bestseller Last Child in the Woods, has defined the phenomenon as "nature deficit disorder".

Not all is lost though. With new challenges posed by new lifestyles also comes new opportunities, and going out on camping or other outdoor activities provide another tool to get acquainted with outdoors. With his thought in mind, I fully support the concept of organized camps .Organized Summer Camps provide an avenue for children to explore nature and other outdoor activities that will build their interest and get them closer to nature.

Article Source : Camps_57252.aspx

Author Resource :
Youreka, founded in 1996 by iDiscoveri, is a leading such company that is promoting the cause of outdoor Learning activities for kids, Summer Camps for Children in India. With 3 campuses across North and South India, the camps provide engaging and learning activities for kids such as Mountain Biking, Water Craft, Rock Climbing, Riverside Backpacking, Wilderness Backpacking, Bush Craft and Outdoor survival

Keywords : Summer Camps, summer camps in india, summer camps in mumbai,

Category : Business : Business

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