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Suggested Methods For Elevating Energy

Posted On : Nov-16-2011 | seen (579) times | Article Word Count : 921 |

After taking the Energy Leadership Index assessment, the number one question people have is: now what?! How can I increase my energetic level, or my Average Resonating Level?
After taking the Energy Leadership Index assessment, the number one question people have is: now what?! How can I increase my energetic level, or my Average Resonating Level? This is a prudent question, as the research has shown that even slight increases in one’s ARL result in improvements in all of the areas of life that we value: happiness, quality of relationships, financial success and even our physical well being. Given that, the committed student will want to explore this area of human growth and development known as one’s “consciousness” or energy level.

Below, I will outline some suggested strategies that I have found to be instructive in elevating the energetic or consciousness level of the hundreds of students and clients I have worked with through the years. This is in no way meant to be an inclusive list, but it is a wonderful primer for those who are just venturing into the field of human energy or consciousness.

Be mindful of what you consume in every way. If everything is energy, including you, then you need to be mindful of the energies you are exposed to and consume. Our culture is geared toward lower energies. According to research done by Dr. Bruce Schneider, founder of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, the Average Resonating Energy Level of “mainstream America” at 2.4 of a 7 point scale. This is in the range of what Schneider describes as “catabolic” energy. Catabolic energy is not supportive to life. This means that energy at these lower levels detract from life, or are not life enhancing. In relation to the body, these energies cause illness and disease; in relation to one’s emotions, these energies create disharmony such as anxiety, anger, depression or despair. A good deal of what is available in mainstream culture will not enhance your energy or consciousness. The places we go, the things we read, watch on TV, listen to and even eat, all impact our overall energy level. Consuming stories about rape, murder and hate crimes serve no purpose when one is committed to living a high-consciousness life. Spending time engaged in addictive behavior, or with people who are chronically negative and blaming will not serve to enhance your quality of life.
Television or music that is violent in nature, or that speaks of hatred, anger and control creates inner disharmony at the energetic level. There have been numerous social science research studies that indicate that being exposed to violence, violent themes or hate-laden messages correlates with higher degrees of depression, aggression, anxiety and a decrease in overall compassion and empathy across demographic lines (Anderson, Gentile and Buckley, 2007, Bushman and Anderson, 2009, Hawkins, 2006, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2009).

Consuming food that is processed, laden with toxic chemicals or created with inhumane methods creates similar disharmony in your body. (Robbins, 2001) The movement toward ethical treatment of animals, environmental sustainability, global resource equity and organic produce is reflective of a small, but growing subculture of “cultural creatives” (Ray and Anderson, 2001) who subscribe to higher consciousness values. Does your eating reflect your highest sense of yourself? Is it in alignment with your values for wellness, sustainability and nutrition? Or do you eat with no thought to what you are consuming, where it comes from, how your dollars and your choices impact the whole? All of this is reflective of your level of consciousness and energy, and the more you grow in consciousness, the more you will be mindful of what and how you eat. This mindfulness leads to an overall increase in your well-being and state of mind, which in turn serves to raise your consciousness further (Freston, 2006).

Choosing media and materials that reflect high consciousness values will serve your growth and overall sense of well being. There are many positive, uplifting, high-energy web based radio stations today such as UnityFM, Wisdom Radio Network and Achieve Radio. There are wonderful movies produced and distributed by Spiritual Cinema Circle. Upbeat magazines such as Ode, Unity, Science of Mind, Shambhala Sun and many more can satisfy our craving for information, while supporting our growth and development.

Keep a gratitude journal. Keeping a gratitude journal is a wonderful practice that supports you in focusing on “what’s working” rather than on “what’s broken” in one’s life. This simple, yet powerful practice every morning or evening (or better yet, both!) of making a list of things for which you are grateful trains your mind to notice and give attention to those elements in your life that serve your purpose and mission and are supportive in your life. I encourage people to stretch – not just to write two or three items, but to list ten to fifteen thoughts per day. When one commits to this practice over time, it works on your subconscious level and you start noticing things during the day that you can add to your list! What a fun thing to practice! By focusing on positive elements of life, and expressing gratitude for them, you are raising your consciousness.

Professor Robert Emmons of the University of California found that the practice of keeping a gratitude journal can increase happiness levels as much as 25% among people who engage in this practice as little as three or four times per week for only three weeks. It is true that the more we train our minds to capture the simple joys in life, the more we are able to savor the profound miracle of being alive.

Article Source : Methods For Elevating Energy_105120.aspx

Author Resource :
Jackie is a gifted, intuitive, and spiritually enlightened speaker, teacher, trainer, and coach. Jackie transforms people’s lives by teaching them how to listen to their souls, commit to their heart’s path, honor their passions, and design a life filled with infinite possibilities! personal guide

Keywords : personal coaching, consciousness, personal growth, energy management systems,

Category : Business : Careers

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