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Standard laboratory Viscometers Fluid

Posted On : Jan-09-2012 | seen (157) times | Article Word Count : 488 |

It is also known as Ostwald viscometers or glass capillary viscometers.
U-tube viscometers

It is also known as Ostwald viscometers or glass capillary viscometers. They basically consist of a vertical temperature-controlled bath U-shaped glass tube. On one hand u exactly narrow vertical hole section (capillaries). The key is light. There is another light cut down on the other hand. Used in the liquid is drawn into the upper bulb suction, and then allowed to flow through the capillary into the lower bulb. Two marks (one above and below the upper bulb) indicate a known volume. Liquid level to pass the time between these marks is proportional to the kinematic viscosity.

Measured the time needed for the test fluid flows through a number of factors known diameter of the two marked points in the capillaries. The result is multiplied by a factor of time viscometer, the kinematic viscosity. Viscometers are usually placed in a constant temperature water bath, how temperature affects the viscosity.

These viscometers are also classified as direct flow or reverse flow. Reverse flow viscometers markings over the reservoir and direct flow below the reservoir markings. Classifications exists so that it can be determined even if the paint or opaque liquids are measured, otherwise the liquid will cover the marking and it is impossible to assess the level passes a sign. It also allows the viscometer to have more than one character set to be immediately due course of time it takes to reach 3 digits, so gives 2 times and then allows the calculation of Determinability ensure accurate results.

Falling Sphere Viscometers

Fluid in these stands upright glass tube. Of course, the size and density of the sphere allowed to descend through the liquid. If correctly selected, it reaches terminal velocity, which can be measured by the time it takes to pass two marks on the pipe. Electronic sensing can be used for opaque fluids. Knowing the terminal velocity, size and density of the sphere and the density of the fluid, Stokes' law can be used to calculate viscosity.

Vibrating viscometers

Vibrating viscometers strong industrial system used to measure the viscosity of the process conditions. Actively participate in a vibrating rod sensor. The vibration amplitude varies according to the fluid viscosity which is immersed rod. These viscosity meters, suitable for clogging fluid and high viscosity fluid measurement, even with the fibers (up to 1,000,000 CPS). Currently, many industries around the world consider these viscometers are usually considered to be the most effective system to measure the viscosity of any fluid, contrast, rotation viscometers, which requires more care, inability to assess the clogging up of fluid, and often after intensive use of the calibration. Vibrating viscometers are no moving parts, no weak parts and is very sensitive to small. In fact, even very simple or acid, the liquid can be measured by adding a special coating, or by changing the sensor materials such as 316L, SUS316, Hastelloy, or enamel.

Article Source : laboratory Viscometers Fluid_130742.aspx

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Keywords : viscometer, digital viscometer,

Category : Business : Business

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