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Spending More Time Together

Posted On : Oct-15-2011 | seen (168) times | Article Word Count : 697 |

These are things that you should have at least spoken about before you take the plunge to move in together.
Moving in together is a big step. There is no time limit that says after a certain amount of time together you should have asked her. Nor should you feel deterred from asking her if you have only been together a short while. You should know when it feels right for you. However, remember that after only a few months, you may feel like nothing else matters but spending time with your lady, but you still have a lot more to learn about one another. There are still plenty of things left to learn about one another. Living together may result in a few revelations of things you didn’t know about one another. Cheap mature escorts believe that this can come as a pleasant but sometimes unwelcome surprise. Perhaps the way she behaves at a certain time of the month, the way she deals with disappointment for example. Currently, you may spend lots of time together, but you may not be revealing the whole of yourselves to each other, through fear of rejection.

Making a huge commitment to live together after only dating for a short time can help bond the two of you together, uniting you as a couple. It may help solidify your relationship. You may find that the things you didn’t know about her don’t annoy you or tick you off. However, your hidden traits may annoy her. Cheap mature escorts in London believe you should consider this before jumping into a solid commitment. Waiting until you have found out more about each other may be a more beneficial way of keeping the relationship from going bitter. Moving in too soon could possibly create cracks in a once solid relationship. Knowing each other enough before making the leap can reassure the both of you that you are making the right decision. After 8-12 months, the two of you have spent enough time learning about one another, finding out about how you cope with different issues in life and can feel assured that moving in with one another will strengthen what you have.

This is the same with moving in for all the wrong reasons. As a couple, you have hopefully opened up about how you feel and shared your lives with one another. If you are both living apart, but have found that you spend a lot of time together, then you are probably spending more time at one persons flat than the other. This could bring up the inevitable question: “why don’t we just move in together?” Although this may seem life a good idea, check that you are doing it for the right reasons. Are you doing it because you have realised that after a lengthy duration you are sure that you two are solid and it seems like the next step? Or is it more because you hardly spend time at your flat and you have consider the money you would save? If it is the latter, then you shouldn’t be motivated by financial reasons alone. There should be more to your decision than that. Have the both of you got similar ideals? Do you both want the same for the future? Cheap mature London escorts recommend you work out if your both looking for the same things from life, your future together. Is moving in together the first step to spending the rest of your lives together, engagement perhaps? Or are you both just looking forward to spending more time together and are open to all possibilities? These are things that you should have at least spoken about before you take the plunge to move in together.

Finally, will you both be respectful and considerate housemates? Knowing that you would quite happily live that person regardless of whether you were dating them or not is a good way to judge your decision. If you both have the same attitudes towards cooking, cleaning and household cleanliness then that is a good step towards ensuring you are well matched for living together. Making the step to cohabit can be a scary, daunting but extremely exciting prospect. Make sure you approach it with a mature and level headed attitude.

Article Source : More Time Together_92329.aspx

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Martin Rikky is a professional writer with experience contributing to editorial pages, online blogs and writing short articles.He is the author of this article on Cheap Mature Escorts London . Find more information on Cheap London Escorts .

Keywords : cheap mature escorts london, cheap London escorts,

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