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Software Development Phases

Posted On : Oct-23-2010 | seen (706) times | Article Word Count : 403 |

Software development is a cumbersome process which demands a lot of hard work and time. Even after developing software to perform your tasks you would find it not upcoming up to your expectations. This is due to the lack of systematic approach. Software development can be made easy by adopting an established software development process.
Software development is a cumbersome process which demands a lot of hard work and time. Even after developing software to perform your tasks you would find it not upcoming up to your expectations. This is due to the lack of systematic approach. Software development can be made easy by adopting an established software development process.
It is necessary to perform a series of successful and established guidelines to ensure the success of your project. This helps in delivering the estimated results out of your software. By performing the step-by-step procedure for the software development you can have a strong solid base for implementing your project plan.
System analysis is the foremost step employed for developing software. The aim of system analysis is to determine the problems in your system. In this phase your entire system is broken down in to different pieces for understanding the problem thoroughly. Users are engaged in this particular phase to get exact knowledge about the user requirements. Requirements that you gather from this phase have to be accurate. Else it would lead to bugs and errors in your program.
System design is the next phase in the software development. In this phase the functions and operations used in your system are explained in detail. System design demands the creation of one or more design elements for every requirement that you recognized in the earlier stage. The final output of this phase is a subsystem consisting of a group of modules. The system design phase helps in providing the programmer sufficient details regarding the software.
Implementation is the most important phase where the programmer creates the code for each and every module created during the early stages. The programmer requires a thorough knowledge about the language in which the software is to be developed. Unit testing is done in this phase to check for the individual functionality of the modules.
System testing is the final stage which is compulsory for the successful completion of your software development. Testing your entire software for errors is known as software testing. If any bugs or errors are detected you need to work on the particular module and clear them. Interoperability, user acceptance etc are the key features that we test for in the testing procedure.
Performing all the above phases systematically would provide you with a better software meeting all your requirements.

Article Source : Development Phases_39063.aspx

Author Resource :
Vofox Solutions—A custom software development company in India. We specialize in Offshore Outsourcing and software development services.

Keywords : software development , System analysis, software testing, software development phases, developing software, software development ,

Category : Computers : Software

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