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Bruces Kaiser has 22 Published Articles

United States of America,

Social services job descriptions

Posted On : Aug-03-2011 | seen (276) times | Article Word Count : 420 |

If you have the zest to help people for their betterment you can now opt social services as a career opportunity. Social service, as implied by its name, is the act of serving humankind to improve their lifestyle.
If you have the zest to help people for their betterment you can now opt social services as a career opportunity. Social service, as implied by its name, is the act of serving humankind to improve their lifestyle. The most crucial job of a social service worker is to remove all the ills and ailments that are haunting our society for years.

A social worker tries to simplify things for the society. They resolve personal and family problems and encourage people to live in peace and harmony; they help people with physical and mental disabilities and try to make their life much easy. Social workers are found in different spheres of our life. There are public health social workers who cater to patients with cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, AIDS, and other such chronic sickness. They also arrange counseling for the patient and his /her family members after the patients get discharged. Some choose to assist the senior citizens and look after their health and happiness all the time.

School social workers see that no children are left uneducated and unattended. They find foster families for neglected children, they polish the intellectual and psychological skills of a child as a student, abused and homeless children are given shelter by them, in all they act as a major support for children tackling their emotional and psychological problems. They also treat problems like teenage pregnancy, alcohol problems, drugs intake and misbehaviors.

There are child and family oriented social workers who take care of your personal and family problems. They protest against social evils like child abuse, adultery, spousal abuse and such domestic conflicts which are dominant in a society. They provide counseling to married couples who have problems between them, children who are deprived of parental love and care, and many other individuals who suffer from depression and dissolution. These social workers strive hard to protect the rights and privileges of a child who are deprived of such things. Their sole purpose is to eradicate poverty, inequality and injustice.

With the help of such people we can hope for a better and bright future for mankind. They bring happiness in the lives of people and teach them to look at life in a very different perspective. Be it your personal problem or a family problem, no matter how big your problem is, a social worker is always there beside you to help you and guide you in the ups and downs of your life.

Article Source : services job descriptions_70848.aspx

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To know more details about Social Services Job Descriptions visit our website Sample Job descriptions

Keywords : Social Services Job Descriptions, Sample Job descriptions,

Category : Business : Careers

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