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Social Media Strategies for Facebook

Posted On : Feb-05-2011 | seen (321) times | Article Word Count : 513 |

You need the right tools to make it easy for readers to pass along your content through their own social networks. Use the following Drupal tools to help make your content ‘viral’ and build your brand community.
Launching a social media campaign for your business or personal brand is an exciting venture, but it can soon turn scary if you aren’t implementing intelligent social strategies. Different social networks require different strategies, so your implementation needs to reflect these differences. Currently, the biggest social media network is Facebook.
With over 300 million users, Facebook has become a powerful online platform for connecting with people. Since it was began in a dorm room, the social media site has also evolved into a powerful online forum for engaging potential customers, clients, and competitors in a socially-acceptable environment.
If you decide to launch a Facebook page for your business or brand, pay close attention to the following features and how they can strategically work for you.
1.Facebook Fan Pages
If you are launching a brand, chances are you will have a Fan Page. It is critical that you have a focus and strategy behind it. Here is what you should use for a Fan Page:
Event appearances with pictures and videos
A video introduction or running video blog
Press releases
Blog posts via syndication
Professional achievements
Authoritative articles and newsworthy information for sharing with your community
Wall posts, including: quote of the day, event reminders, news, etc.
When you have defined the content boundaries for your page, it’s time to market the page. Advertise your Fan Page to targeted employers or add a widget to your site or blog. Include your Facebook URL in your email signature, in blog posts, at the end of presentations, resume, and company website. The more your Fan Page becomes a part of your constant stream of communications, the more people will become fans.
2.Brand Monitoring with Facebook Real-Time Search
Prior to the social media explosion, it was fairly easy to control the conversation around your brand. But with the power being shifted to the people, the audience now controls your brand’s message. So, how do you keep track of all the things people are saying about your business or brand online?
Facebook recently launched its own real-time search engine, which identifies results – for keywords entered – in conversations that are happening on Facebook and in the outside Web world. Use this feature by entering in your business, brand name, or keywords that are tightly bound to your company, and monitor the results instantly.
The newest features of Facebook create many opportunities for businesses and brands who are looking to grow via social media. Fan Pages allow you to extend your brand presence and grow a fan base, and the search feature gives you another piece of data to help monitor your brand’s reputation and social rapport. If you start using these features now, you will be prepared for a more successful future.
For more than ten years, the tech public relations firm MediaFirst has been combining creativity and engineering to deliver great public and media relations for technology firms in their respective niches. If your firm needs help building an online brand community with viral content, select MediaFirst for your next tech public relations campaign.

Article Source : Media Strategies for Facebook_51655.aspx

Author Resource :
Ethan Luke. Tech public relations - MediaFirst is a high-tech, public relations and marketing services firm with unique abilities that best publicize and promote the business of your technology.

Keywords : Tech public relations,

Category : Business : Advertising

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