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Social Bookmarking - Socialize Your Site

Posted On : Sep-08-2010 | seen (471) times | Article Word Count : 386 |

Internet is the largest network. Every body surfs internet for one another. You will be able to get any information by browsing through the search engines.
Internet is the largest network. Every body surfs internet for one another. You will be able to get any information by browsing through the search engines. During the advent of internet, when ever people find some useful website and if they have a strong feeling like they will have to visit the website again, they use to bookmark using the options available on the browser. As a result the URL of the web page gets saved and next time when user wants to open the same page, they just have to click on the URL saved in the bookmark. It was not possible to get the same bookmark list when user moves to a different machine unless they have bookmarked them manually.

Every aspect changed gradually with the dot com boom. As a part of enhancement, a new system called social bookmarking came into being. This is the system where every user will be able to bookmark their favorite website address on the internet. As a result the user will be able to view all the bookmarked websites without considering the system they are working. This phenomenon will also allow the users to share the bookmarked websites with others. The system works as follows

There are many websites specific for social book marking available on internet. The user will have to choose any of them. They should first create an account with the website. Account creation can be done free of cost on most of these websites. They will have a provision to submit the website links where the user must paste the URL of all the websites which he wishes to share and bookmark. After that they should click on to submit button. Within few hours the website will be pulled up with all the search engines under the name of the visual bookmarking site. In order to recognize the content of the bookmarked website, small text can be added in the form of Meta data or voting can be done in order to justify the quality of contents etc. You can share the bookmarked websites with your group. Bookmarking can be done on videos by the term video bookmarking. This is by saving the link of videos on the social bookmarking website. Thus bookmarking through internet has simplified sharing of resources.

Article Source : Bookmarking - Socialize Your Site_32243.aspx

Author Resource :
Social bookmarking and social news allow you to specifically target what you want to see. Instead of going into a search engine, typing something in, and then searching for that like a needle in a haystack. For more details about new era of video bookmarking and video book marking, please do visit our website.

Keywords : Social bookmarking, Visual bookmarking, video bookmarking, Quality social bookmarking website, Web based visual bookmarking sites,

Category : Computers : Computers

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