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Slow computer tips for you

Posted On : Nov-06-2011 | seen (149) times | Article Word Count : 377 |

The three methods the article said is good to speed up slow computer. Have a try.
Many people are concerning about theslow computer. You tried many ways to speed up computer. So the goal of this article is to help you deal with the problems.

There are many things that can cause a slow computer such as a virus, spyware, or hard drive fragmentation. Registry problems are one of the most common reasons for a slow PC. Registry problems are accumulated as a result of installing and uninstalling programs which ultimately have a negative effect on the operation of Windows.

Do you often send a lot of junk files to your computers recycle bin? It's nice to be able to delete your unwanted files quickly and with just a click of a button. One of the great features about the Windows Recycle Bin is that files aren't immediately deleted, so if you make a mistake, you can restore the files quickly. Despite how easy the process seems, it can be a pain dealing with the slowed performance speed of your computer if your recycle bin isn't properly configured.

You can clean up disk errors. Whenever a program crashes or you experience a power outage, your computer may create errors on its hard disk (sometimes referred to as a hard drive). Over time, the errors can result in a slow PC. Fortunately, the Windows operating system includes several PC tools, including a Check Disk program, to identify and clean any errors on your computer and to help keep it running smoothly.

There could be spyware present in the PC. If you have a spyware cleaner that is something other than an old, cheap or free, and you have been using it regularly, your PC problems are probably not due to spyware. However, if you need a free spyware scan to see if you have parasites present in your system, I recommend you get one very soon.
If you are on the Internet when your computer is slow also make sure all browser plugins are up-to-date.

Now the reason-why is my pc so slow are offered to you. So you can optimize the computer often to speed up it.

The three methods the article said is good to speed up slow computer. Have a try.

Article Source : computer tips for you_100740.aspx

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Still has the doubt-why is my pc so slow? Want to speed up computer? Then you can try some methods the article has mentioned. If you do so, you will say bye-bye to slow computer.

Keywords : slow computer, speed up computer, why is my pc so slow,

Category : Computers : Computers

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