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Sleeping bags and air beds, indispensible sleeping aids during an outdoor camp

Posted On : Oct-11-2011 | seen (211) times | Article Word Count : 463 |

Sleeping bags and air beds are important part in a camping equipment. The reason being their utility.
Sleeping bags and air beds are important part in a camping equipment. The reason being their utility. An outdoor camp is not complete without a sleeping bag. They provide comfort, warmth and most importantly safety from disease carrying insects.

Vacation season is coming up and with it comes new plans for camping outdoor with family or with friends. Camping can be a very good experience, both for family as well as for a group of friends. One thing that camping enthusiasts should keep in mind is that proper planning and budget should be given to any outdoor camp. Without a proper plan about the campsite and the required things to carry, the camping can be a regretful experience. This can be avoided by planning weeks ahead from the date.

One must carry with oneself, the required outdoor equipment in order to make the stay comfortable and avoid any hustles. The outdoor equipment shall contain things such as outdoor clothing, walking or trekking shoes, tents, camping furniture, portable stoves, lanterns, portable gas heaters, water bottles, water purifiers, cookware and most important of all sleeping bags or air beds.

Sleeping bags and air beds are important items that one must carry. Sleeping on the bare ground can result in losing body heat very quickly, resulting in hypothermia. Hypothermia setting in can be vary dangerous. To avoid this, sleeping bags or air beds are used. They are better solutions for sleeping comfortably. They provide comfort and warmth and at the same time are cozy.

But, before going ahead and buying any of the sleeping bags or air beds, it better to know that it is not about the costlier the better. This is purely a myth. It is upto the relevance of the product. Buying a sleeping bag totally depends upon the need and the requirement of a person.

A sleeping bag requirement during the summer can be different from the requirement during winter. The material that is used and the filling that goes into a sleeping bag is also of concern, as they can decide how warm you are inside the bag a how is the performance of the bag in terms of water proof from the outside.

The filling inside a sleeping bag are done with natural fluffy materials which retain air inside. This air is heated up by our body temperature and it acts like an insulator. Artificial fillings such as polystyrene fillings can also help in insulating, but they are not durable in the long run.

These are some of the indicators of good sleeping bags. Another concern is the storage of the sleeping bags. So, one needs to know that not all of them as same and their performance is uniform.

Article Source : bags and air beds, indispensible sleeping aids during an outdoor camp_90770.aspx

Author Resource :

• Stephen Berry is author of of this article and writes article on topics like shopping and sports since a long time. For further details about Camping Equipment and Coleman tents please visit the website.

Keywords : Sleeping bags , air beds , Coleman tents, Camping Equipment,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Travel and Leisure

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