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Simple Methods to Increase Macbook Speed

Posted On : Sep-20-2011 | seen (382) times | Article Word Count : 386 |

To Improve Mac speed you need to clean startup file, clear PRAM, delete desktop items, empty trash files etc. These processes are helpful to increase speed Macbook and optimize the performance of the system.
Macbook was introduced by Apple with different extensively advanced features, due to this reason it has been accepted by large number of population. As the time passes the Mac hard drive gets filled with large number of images, videos, software and documents. Due to this different problems are experienced by computer users like slow system performance, unexpected system shut down etc. In order to increase speed of Macbook you need to follow steps mentioned below:

1.Clean all the startup items from the system: You need to remove all the startup items from the system in order to improve the performance of the systm. For this you need to navigate Apple Menu -> System Preferences -> Accounts -> Login Items.

2.Turn off Bluetooth, Internet Sharing: You require to turn of the settings of the connection for bluetooth, internet sharing etc. It is also helpful to save valuable RAM and resources.

3.Delete Duplicate Files: You need to delete the duplicate files and folders from the system in order to improve the overall performance of the system.

4.Erase Unused 'Other' System Preferences Items: You should turn off the System Preferences or remove unused or unnecessary files from there.

5.Empty Trash Bin: You need to delete the files present in the trash bin in order to increase the performance.
Delete the Temporary Files: You need to delete the temporary files from the system in order to improve the overall system performance.

6.Delete Unwanted Desktop Items: You need to remove the unnecessary icons present in the desktop in order to improve the speed of the computer system.

7.Clear PRAM: You need to restart you system and click on option + command +r + p together. This process should be performed only in intel Macbook. This process is helpful to improve the malicious items from the system and improve the performance of the Macbook.

8.Disable Dashboard: In order to improve the performance of the system you need to disable dasboard. This will be helpful to speed the system of Mac.

These processes can be completed manually but it is very time consuming. To improve Mac speed you can make use of third party application as well. Since, using this application is simple and does not require any technical skills.

Article Source : Methods to Increase Macbook Speed_83523.aspx

Author Resource :
Cora Lee Jackson has found effective methods to improve mac speed and optimize the performance of the system. You can check it and solve all the problems associated with Mac performance.

Keywords : increase speed macbook, improve mac speed,

Category : Computers : Software

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