Secure your child’s future by stem cell banking
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The umbilical cord is known as the birth cord that connects the developing embryo to the placenta.
The umbilical cord is known as the birth cord that connects the developing embryo to the placenta. It supplies oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the foetus from the placenta. The blood in the umbilical cord is rich in white blood cells and it also has the ability to regenerate these cells. Medical researches have shown that if this blood can be preserved then it may be utilized in different medical cure.
Cord blood just like a bone marrow is an important kind of the stem cell. The process which allows people to store this precious resource for possible use in medical applications is known as cord blood banking.
The cord blood stem cells are used to cure various diseases like Parkinson's diseases, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's diseases, Cancer, Spinal Cord injury, diabetes etc. Many cancerous diseases like acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphatic leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, myelofibrosis or non cancerous diseases like aplastic anemia, sickle cell disease, fanconi's anemia, immunodeficiency syndromes etc. have been treated successfully with help of stem cells driven from Cord blood.
Thalassemia is a genetic disorder which makes the affected person to go through blood transfusions couple of times in a month. This disorder can only be treated with bone marrow transfusion. The patient suffering from this disorder can be treated by using the stem cells found in cord blood. The cord blood cells have the capacity to cure around eighty-five diseases. It is just like insurance for the whole family.
Stem cells are also used in most researches which involve new techniques in developing medicines called as regenerative medicines. Scientists make use of the stem cells from stem cell banking, for several experiments which can be used in treatment of the juvenile, brain injury or diabetes. These cord stem cells remain biologically young and provides more advantages than stem cells found in the bone marrow. These stem cells offer low risk or complication during the transplants.
Stem cell banking is very important for the future generation. Cord blood can be preserved mainly for two reasons. Firstly, it can be donated and anyone can use the blood to cure their diseases. Second, it can be donated and preserved for his/her future use. In this case the same can be used by any of the family members too. If you are interested to preserve the blood for personal use then the blood will be preserved in a private bank. Further, if you are interested to donate the blood then it will preserve in a public bank.
Pre-Born Education helps all expected parents to understand the importance of cord blood banking. In case if your child suffers with any kind of disease in future then your child will always have a health insurance in form of his cord blood cells.
If you have not had the chance of saving your child's cord blood, then you can spread the awareness to protect life of many other children who are going to come to this world.
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Article Source : your child’s future by stem cell banking_79251.aspx
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CordLife is today the largest network of private cord blood banks, Cord Blood Storage, Stem Cell Banking,Stem Cell Banking Umbilical Cord Banking of Australasia
Keywords :
Cord Blood, Cord Blood Bank India, Stem Cell Banking, Pre-born education, Protect your Child, Pregnancy Tips,
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Health and Fitness