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Save the Environment - Choose Organic Cotton Clothing Men

Posted On : Nov-08-2011 | seen (272) times | Article Word Count : 532 |

You have most likely seen those labels while shopping for clothing that state that this t shirt or that top is made from organic cotton. Have you ever considered what that really means? Probably not.
You have most likely seen those labels while shopping for clothing that state that this t shirt or that top is made from organic cotton. Have you ever considered what that really means? Probably not. If you have, then you must have thought that just like organic vegetables and fruits, organic cotton have been grown devoid of the use of soil additives or chemical insecticides. If that struck your mind then you are rather right. That is precisely how organic cotton is grown. However, organic cotton from the cotton plant could become non organic cotton clothing men, once that cotton moves out of the fields; it is then sent to the textile mills.

The cotton must be grown with no chemicals but the fabric and the cotton clothing also must stay free from chemical in order for organic cotton to be turned into organic cotton clothing men or cotton t shirts women. This means that, when manufacturing cotton clothing, chemical dyes or no bleach will not be used. Instead, vegetables dyes and natural fruit are used. This means to imply that it has no harmful, unnatural color and it is free from any chemicals.

To purchasing and wearing cotton t shirts women, there are many benefits. First, organic gardening helps the environment to remain unpolluted. Every plant that is organically grown which means that smaller amount chemicals being discharged into the air and the soil. This results in reduction of water, air and land pollution. Organic cotton clothing men or cotton t shirts women benefits your folks as well, apart from benefitting the environment.

When cotton is grown by means of chemicals those chemicals in fact become part of the fabric as at least some of those harmful chemicals reside on the plant. More chemicals are added to that article of apparel when it is subjected to chemical dyes and bleaches. You are in essence surrounding yourself with unsafe chemicals, which can cause skin breakouts and rashes, when you put that apparel on your body. With the passage of time, some of those chemicals could cause added health problems as the clothing infuses into your skin. This means that organic cotton clothing men or cotton t shirts women is better for your family’s comfort and health and additionally it benefits the environment as well. With no chemicals, the organic cotton feels softer making it more relaxing to wear.

In an age where we shop for organic food, steam clean our homes to limit our contact to dangerous chemicals, make our fruit and vegetable juices fresh from organic fruits and vegetables and even choose body washes that are free of any chemicals, and then with or without knowledge, put apparel packed with harmful chemicals on our bodies. Does not it seem a little strange?

We had no choice as no one manufactured organic cotton clothing men or cotton t shirts women for many years. However, with environment issues in mind, more chemical free way to live and dress is being offered by many manufacturers. Therefore, the next time you shop for clothes, stop and consider how advantageous this clothing is to Mother Nature, your comfort and your health.

Article Source : the Environment - Choose Organic Cotton Clothing Men_101270.aspx

Author Resource :
Emmanuel Griffin is an author who writes useful articles on organic clothing, cotton t shirts, cotton clothing for men, and other related topics on fashion products online. For more information on organic clothing, you can also visit

Keywords : organic clothing, cotton clothing for men, cotton clothing, cotton t shirts, cotton t shirts women,

Category : Fashion : Clothing

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