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Safe Eyes Parental Protective Software for the Safety of Children on the Internet

Posted On : Dec-02-2011 | seen (376) times | Article Word Count : 564 |

For children, the virtual world, can be a dangerous world. Just as in the real world, there are predators online, as well. For parents, it is essential to take the necessary steps in order to protect your children from not only the wrong elements on the net, but from getting onto sites that would not be healthy for them.
For children, the virtual world, can be a dangerous world. Just as in the real world, there are predators online, as well. For parents, it is essential to take the necessary steps in order to protect your children from not only the wrong elements on the net, but from getting onto sites that would not be healthy for them.

Parents must be smart when it comes to the Internet. Even sites, such as Facebook, which are very well acclaimed, can be dangerous for the child. In fact, a recent study showed that children who spend time on Facebook are more likely to try drugs and alcohol. Aside from the concern of the conclusions from studies such as this, the parents also have to be concerned with the various adult entertainment sites, and the chat rooms. Fortunately for parents, there is an answer and it is parental protective software.

Safe Eyes is one such software that is helping parents to protect their children. Safe Eyes is a parental control software that provides the features that parents need to ensure their child's safety. Safe Eyes parental control software:

Works on both Mac and PC

Provides detailed reports on your kids Internet activities Flexible per user filtering

Effective website filter

Easy to setup and use

Alerts via text message, email or phone if a prohibited website is visited

Simply put, the software supervises your child's time on the Internet. The child will not be able to visit sites that are inappropriate. It also monitors and reports your child's Internet activities, schedules Internet time, monitors chat programs, and social networking. The software is very easy to use and has an editor's rating of four out of five stars.

Once the software is installed, parents will find some wonderful features which include:

Block songs on Itunes

Video filtering

Enable safe search

Custom search term blocking

Activity report

Internet time limit

Web filtering

Multiple users

Instant messaging

Block online game play

Remote administration

Instant warnings

Restrict access to email accounts Social Networking - acceptance or denial

The performance of the software is ranked five start out of five stars. The software comes with a user guide and help, and support are available through both email and phone.

When it comes to the safety of the child on the Internet, it is essential that the parents take the necessary steps to protect the child. Children are exposed to many things on the Internet, including adults with ill intentions that want to become their friends, sites which they should not be viewing, and peer pressure. These are all major concerns to the parent and concerns that the parent can do something about.

Safe Eyes allows for unique restrictions per user, and has been thoroughly tested to ensure its effectiveness. The parental control program software is a solution to protect the child from the many negative exposures they may encounter on the Internet. The Internet has many advantages for the child, as well, and when the child has the best of the Internet and protected from its potential harms, it is a benefit.

Article Source : Eyes Parental Protective Software for the Safety of Children on the Internet_113184.aspx

Author Resource :
Safe Eyes is parental protective software that ensures the safety of the child while on the Internet. For more information visit

Keywords : Safe Eyes, Parental Protective Software,

Category : Computers : Software

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