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Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia,

SEO Tips in Choosing a Branded Domain Name

Posted On : Jan-03-2012 | seen (437) times | Article Word Count : 507 |

Your brand name is ultimately what people will recognize and associate you with. So if you have the opportunity to purchase the URL that matches your brand name, then go for it. However, you should take these key considerations while choosing a branded domain for your business name:
In the planning of an online business, the most important first step usually done by a search engine optimization expert is to select a domain name.

An online business’ domain name - or commonly known as "web address" - is the human readable Internet address of the business website. It tells the customers what the online business is and how to find it on the Internet.

According to search engine optimization company experts, businesses should be mindful of the consequences of selecting an ineffective domain name as it could mean low page ranking or low targeted traffic, resulting to few or no visitors at all or even a website’s obscurity from search engines.

Branded Domain Name

A branded domain name should be used by businesses that are already a well-known established brand or company name when they decide to launch their web presence. Furthermore, these businesses can be those that are willing to allocate significant resources toward promoting and advertising their brand name so that they become well-known and established.

A brand name is one of the most important elements of a business’ personal identity. It is the foundation of everything your business is going to do as it will be displayed on your website, print material, business cards, letterhead, invoices, etc…

Your brand name is ultimately what people will recognize and associate you with. So if you have the opportunity to purchase the URL that matches your brand name, then go for it. However, you should take these key considerations while choosing a branded domain for your business URL/domain name:

Easy To Remember.

Word-of-mouth and SERPs dominance marketing - where your domain consistently comes up for industry-related searches - are both dependent on the ease with which the domain can be called to mind. Avoid becoming the company that has a terrific website but no one can ever remember to tell their friends about because they can't remember the domain name.

Short and Memorable

Domain names should be user-friendly. It should be short, easy to type, and easy to remember. In this way, your website would be easily advertised through word of mouth as it would be easy to remember and easy to type into a browser. It also allows for more characters in the URL in the SERPs and makes a better fit on business cards and other offline media.

An alternative Means in Putting your Brand in Front of your Customers

Your branded domain name should do a good job of explaining the industry you’re in as well as in creating and fulfilling expectations. When someone hears or see about your domain name for the first time, they should be able to instantly and accurately guess the type of content that might be found there.

Why Choose a Brand Domain Name?

- maintains brand consistency
- looks cleaner and less spammy (compared to keyword-rich URL)
- more professional
- tend to attract more loyal visitors/readers

Article Source : Tips in Choosing a Branded Domain Name_127735.aspx

Author Resource :
Premium SEO Solutions is a professional SEO Company that provides ethical and result-oriented Search Engine Optimization Services.

Keywords : search engine optimization, domain name, seo tips, brand domain name, search engine optimization experts,

Category : Internet Business : SEO

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