Resilience - A Treasure for the Lifetime
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Every parent wants their kids to be happy, to lead a prosperous life, to have a good group of friends and to be successful in their academic life.
Every parent wants their kids to be happy, to lead a prosperous life, to have a good group of friends and to be successful in their academic life. With the growing competition worldwide, our life is also getting complex day by day. To survive in this world of competition, the kids need to develop the competency so that they can face and cope up with any situation. We call this capacity to cope and feel competent as resilience. Those who have develop this particular trait feel hopeful and also demonstrate high self esteem. Life is really uncertain and no one could predict what will happen in the next moment.
Thus it is very important for us to develop this skill of resilience and the best time to build up this trait is the childhood. The economic status, family environment, the people whom we interact often, inborn temperament and educational experience facilitate this trait among us. It is believed that if we learn to face hardships in our childhood days, we can face any situations later on life. The parents, teachers and the family members can help the kids in developing these characteristics in a very early age.
During our childhood days, we come across many milestones that guide our life. A wrong turn in that period may destroy the life beauty of the child. We often come across news that teens commit suicide because they could not resist the study pressure. This is actually not about the pressure of the study that encourages the teens to commit suicide; but their lack of resilience that they could not cope up with the situation. There are some steps by which parents and teachers can teach kids how to be resilient. These are briefly discussed below:-
1. The relationship between the parents and their kids is the most sacred in this universe. Empathy is the basic criteria for the proper nurturing of this relation. It helps both parents and kids to care and respect each other. Empathy doesn’t imply that you agreed whatever your child says, but to respect their point of view. Children take their parents as their strength and this feelings helps them to face any situation in life,
2. There must be a good communication between the parents and the child. if your child is complaining you about any problem that they are facing, you should listen to them carefully. After that you need to provide the child the necessary mental and physical support so that the child can overcome the situation,
3. Children may develop the negative feeling. Being a parent you should help the child to overcome this feeling and enjoy the life with a positive view,
4. Children always want unconditional love and affection from their moms and dads. So never miss an opportunity when you can show them how much you love them. This strengthen the bond and at the same time make them feel that they are safe and secured,
5. If your child does any mistake, don’t just begin to scold the child. Tell them that mistakes are a part of our life and they need to prepare well so that in future this mistake does not occur again,
6. Always remember to develop empathy, social consciousness and self esteem among children. This will help them in their future life to face any situation.
There is no simple answer to guarantee resilience in every situation. But we can challenge ourselves to help our children develop the ability to negotiate their own challenges and to be more resilient, more capable, and happier.
Article Source : - A Treasure for the Lifetime_127263.aspx
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