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Remove Keyloggers from World of Warcraft (WoW)

Posted On : Jun-13-2011 | seen (701) times | Article Word Count : 983 |

When visiting a website, vulnerabilities in your browser can be exploited to install keylogging software on your computer without your knowledge. Keylogging software can be installed on your computer from not only small websites which hackers own and run themselves, but also from larger more trusted sites, on which hackers have managed to include their exploit scripts. Once it has been installed, it can be very difficult to detect keyloggers. 

How players get infected with a WoW Keylogger

1. When visiting a website, vulnerabilities in your browser can be exploited to install keylogging software on your computer without your knowledge. Keylogging software can be installed on your computer from not only small websites which hackers own and run themselves, but also from larger more trusted sites, on which hackers have managed to include their exploit scripts. Once it has been installed, it can be very difficult to detect keyloggers. 

2. Downloading add-ons and utilities from a non-reputable source, as any file or add-on that you download could potentially hide a keylogger. Therefore when downloading any file or add-on, it is important that it be from a trusted source to avoid the need for keylogger removal. 

3. While a hacker can install a keylogger online, most keyloggers are still installed by someone you know. Leaving your computer unattended without password protection is an easy way for someone you know to install a keylogger on your computer; with a USB drive and a few minutes of alone time, someone can have a keylogger up and running.

What happens when a keylogger is installed on your computer

Once a keylogger has been installed on your computer, every keystroke you make is recorded (“logged”) and sent to the hacker – this can include not only your WoW username and password, but your family’s credit card or banking information, important passwords, and any other important personal information you type into your computer. When a hacker gains access to your WoW account using a username and password gained via keylogging software, they’ll strip anything of value from your toon, throwing years of hard work down the drain. Keep yourself safe beforehand and you may be able to save yourself from keylogger removal.

Ten ways to protect yourself from keyloggers

1. Always download add-ons from trusted sources. 
Even if an add-on appears to do what it claims to do, any add-on can easily include a hidden piece of keylogging software quietly working the background to compromise your account. Never download an add-on from a site that you don’t trust, and when in doubt, do a quick google search for reviews of the add-on you’re considering installing. 

2. Don’t leave your computer unattended without a password. 
According to the team at SpyReveal anti keylogger, roughly 9 times out of 10 keylogging software is installed by someone you know. Leaving your computer unattended without password protection may seem harmless, but it takes just a few minutes and alone with your computer for someone to install keylogging software that will eventually allow them to strip your toon naked and sell anything of value from your account.

3. Do not use gold selling or power-leveling services. 
You should never share your account information with anyone, but it can be especially dangerous to share your account information with third-party gold selling or power-leveling services. Blizzard claims that the majority of these services are reselling gold that has been stolen from other hacked accounts, so as you can imagine these are not really the kind of people you’d like to be sharing the intimate details of your WoW account with.

4. Take caution with suspicious emails
Many WoW keylogger scams install a keylogging virus by way of an attachment in what seems to be a legitimate email – some scammers have even gone so far as to duplicate Blizzard’s email formatting to appear more trustworthy. All it takes it one malicious email attachment to get a keylogging program up and running on your computer, and you should never open any suspicious email attachment.

5. Have WoW remember your username. 
A hacker needs both your username and your password to log into your account, therefore even if a keylogger picks up your password, it will be of no use if the hacker does not pick up the typing of your username as well. Therefore it is best to keep your username saved, so that you do not have to physically type it into the login screen. However, this may not protect against all keyloggers, as some keyloggers are capable of taking screenshots of your computer which will be sent to the hacker.

6. Launch WoW from the launcher rather than the direct file 
Blizzard claims that it is safer to use the launcher rather than opening WoW from the direct file. 

7. Use a browser other than Internet Explorer 
While no browser is completely safe from hackers, Internet Explorer is especially vulnerable; consider installing Firefox, Chrome, or another browser. Keeping a secure browser will help you avoid the need for keylogger detection. 

8. Keep your software up to date 
Many hackers exploit security holes in your browser or operating system that have already been patched up in the software’s latest version. By keeping your software up to date, you may just be closing the back-door that certain keylogging viruses need to access your computer. 

9. Add an authenticator to your account 
For an added level of account security, Blizzard offers several authenticators which can help keep a hacker from accessing your account. Users can learn more about authenticators on Blizzard’s website at: 

10. Invest in a keylogger scanner. 
Anti-virus software is simply ineffective at detecting keyloggers, and to find a hidden keylogger, you need software that was specifically designed for that task. By running regular keylogger scans with your anti keylogger scanner any time you suspect the slightest possibility of your account being hacked, you’ll be able to stop the hackers before you loose control of your account. 

What to do when your account has been hacked

1. Stay calm. Visit Blizzard’s account recovery page to get the recovery process started:

Article Source : Keyloggers from World of Warcraft (WoW)_64049.aspx

Author Resource :
Nick Budden works with the anti keylogger team at SpyReveal anti keylogger. To learn more about how to detect keyloggers and how to remove keyloggers visit our website at

Keywords : anti keylogger, anti keylogging, remove keyloggers, detect keylogger, keylogger removal, find keylogger, find keyloggers,

Category : Computers : Software

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