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Reflection on Intranet Trends for 2010

Posted On : May-16-2010 | seen (473) times | Article Word Count : 461 |

Intranet trends that we see taking place are helping companies move toward improved organizational efficiency, enhanced communication, and better access to information.
2010 Intranet Trends Outlook

Since we entered 2010, a distinct topic amongst the Intranet media has included discussion of the universal Intranet trends into this next decade. Several of these trends, which indicate the future of Intranets, can be fit into 3 categories - innovation, Intranet openness, and social networking.

Although these are just a few indicators of what Intranet offers for a business, they provide a good indication of those areas that will turn out to be more and more vital in the coming years.

Innovative Intranets
Much can be said about Intranet innovation as it is a broad term. A good general example is the merging of Web 2.0 Internet technologies and the business environment, through the Intranet. This reflects how companies recognize the new trend of communications / information sharing and make the effort to align with the culture created by modern technology.

The continuation of video sharing within an organization is expected to increase due to business recognition of the importance of this technology for enhancing communications and cutting costs.

There will also be a growing pressure is to have strong search capabilities within the Intranet. The standards are constantly being increased and employees expect strong search facilities search and convenient access to the information contained in the Intranet databases.

Openness on the Intranet

The major trend effecting Intranet openness is the accessibility to company networks via the Web, creating global networks. The ability to communicate globally means there is increased use of Internet servers and fewer closed networks housed on local servers. Extranets are becoming far more common and will continue to become much less distinguishable from an Intranet.

One of the major benefits of openness is that there will be a change in organizational culture, where employees will be given a voice and opportunity to express their thoughts on the Intranet.

Another case of this is also the point of the next topic. We will see employee 'directories' continue to vanish in favor of more detailed 'profiles' that are readily accessible to everyone on the Intranet. These profiles will be much more personal and will provide a mechanism for social networking among all peers.

Social Intranet

Bringing social media into an organization will increase as social media tools will prove to enhance communication, empower employees, and supporting group interaction. The use of social media will include adoption of any number of social media platforms.

Some companies will use Web 2.0 technologies that provide open networks and a Facebook-like style of collaboration. Blog, forums, and the like will become increasingly essential as networking tools as companies develop new ways to communicate.

Article Source : on Intranet Trends for 2010_18948.aspx

Author Resource :
Marlon McMartin is founder and Managing Director of Office Ability Intranet Software. This article is copyright protected and may only be republished provided there is reference given to the author and a back-link provided to

Keywords : Intranet Software, Business Intranet, Hosted Intranet,

Category : Computers : Software

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