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Reduce cholesterol naturally - 3 Foods You Should Know

Posted On : Sep-14-2009 | seen (569) times | Article Word Count : 403 |

Reduce cholesterol naturally is the best way and can be done to reduce your cholesterol. Although cholesterol found in animal foods, but cholesterol levels in different in different parts of animals.
Reduce cholesterol naturally is the best way and can be done to reduce your cholesterol. Although cholesterol found in animal foods, but cholesterol levels in different in different parts of animals. In general, the cholesterol in bushmeat were higher than poultry meat, fat than lean meat, shellfish and molluscs than ordinary fish, and egg yolk, roe, animal contain the highest cholesterol levels. If you know what type of cholesterol in the foods you need to bear off, then your diet to lower cholesterol is pretty easy.

Cholesterol is divided into two kinds of cholesterol: High-density cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The former has a protective effect on the cardiovascular, often called "good cholesterol", high LDL cholesterol will increase the risk of coronary heart disease, often called "bad cholesterol." The normal level of cholesterol in the blood cholesterol levels is 140-199 milligrams per unit.

1. Fish has always been considered excellent for the heart. It is rich in proteins and in omega-3 fatty acids which are known to lower triglycerides and lessen plaque growth in arteries. Fish oil capsules should not be used in children except under the direction of a health care provider.

2. Eating 1 1/2 cups of cooked oatmeal provides 6 grams of fiber. If you add fruit, such as bananas, you'll add about 4 more grams of fiber. Eating less sodium may help some people lower their blood pressure — which can also help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Some people with high blood pressure need less than 1,500 mg per day. Eat lean sources of protein, avoid processed foods and takeaways, eat more fibre and drink more water. At the same time you should also increase you exercise and if necessary look into any medication that may be able to help.

3. Herbs to reduce blood cholesterol is a relatively new science. In today’s society, the increase in LDL-cholesterol has become a major health problem. Herbert Shelton did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight. Natural cholesterol-reducing supplements, such as red yeast rice which is a great alternative for those who wish to support healthy cholesterol levels before something happens. There are many natural brands like Solaray red yeast rice and nature plus you can try to reduce cholesterol.

Article Source : cholesterol naturally - 3 Foods You Should Know_3159.aspx

Author Resource :
reduce cholesterol naturally

Keywords : reduce cholesterol,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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