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Via Giulio Petroni, 125,

Reasons Behind Autism And Results Of Psychoactive Medication

Posted On : Dec-26-2011 | seen (178) times | Article Word Count : 561 |

Would you like to uncover more about Autism? This short article tackles autism causes as well as the link between autism and antidepressants. This article also tackles the early documented cases of Autism and thy symptoms shown with individuals identified as having this disorder.
As stated by the American Psychiatric Association in their study Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Autism is a disorder of neural development associated with inadequate social and communication skills.

Autism dated back before the term was coined. Martin Luther's book, The Table Talk, accumulated symptoms of autism and its treatment published by his note-taker, Mathesius. A passage in the book talks about the story of a 12-year old boy who Luther assumed was possessed by demons.

Passages suggest that this boy had been suffering from the disorder although during that time there was no concrete evidence for autism causes. A popular case in 1798 showed a feral child, referred to as the Wild boy of Aveyron who demonstrated indications of autism. He was cared for by Jean Itard, a physician, who put together a detailed behavioral plan to help him with his social skills and his speech.

Later on, Autism was eventually created by Eugen Bleuler, a Swiss psychiatrist in 1910. Autismus, a Latin word that translates to Autism in English suggested that a person suffering from this disorder withdraws within his fantasies and is passive to the world outside his or her own.

Signs of Autism

Autism first manifests itself while in infancy and then later on grows more established during the first or second year. Although at the moment there is no known cure, early cognitive treatment might help children with basic skills.

These are some indications of autism that parents will want to look out for :

- Compulsive behavior and Sameness- Autistic children seem to follow rules, such as arranging objects in stacks or lines and are averse to change. For instance, requiring the pillow covers to be always red. They could get angry when interrupted.

- Cyclical behavior- People with autism have a pattern of day to day activities, for example an unchanging menu or a dressing ritual.

- Inclined to Self-injury- Autistic kids are closely watched since they are susceptible to harming themselves and others with acts such as poking, scratching, hand biting, and head banging.

Autism Causes

Scientific studies declare that autism causes could be caused by two factors: genes and the environment. Mothers that happen to be diabetic, experience bleeding, and are of advanced age have a higher chance of having an autistic child. On the otherhand, the genetics of autism is complex and still under research, needing more concrete evidence.

There are recent studies that demonstrate that autism and anti-depressants are strongly related and are part of autism causes. Mothers who took psychiatric drugs or anti-depressants during the first stages of their pregnancy will likely end up having kids with autism.

According to this new study connecting autism and anti-depressants, drugs such as Celexa, Prozac and Zoloft can trigger autism. Studies identified a 3-fold risk of children identified as having Autism whose mothers took those drugs during their first trimester. Studies between autism and anti-depressants also exhibited a result of 2-fold risk of children identified as having autism whose mothers took those drugs during their second or third trimester.

Among other autism causes, the research linking autism and anti-depressants alerts many parents of the risks it poses. Leaving depression untreated can also be a danger to the pregnancy too.

Article Source : Behind Autism And Results Of Psychoactive Medication_124404.aspx

Author Resource :
Adriana Bustos is a psychiatrist knowledgeable on autism causes and the connection between autism and antidepressants.

Keywords : autism causes, autism and antidepressants,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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