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Rain Harvesting

Posted On : Oct-08-2010 | seen (1049) times | Article Word Count : 467 |

With the shortage of clean, usable water today, rain harvesting makes a great deal of sense. In this process of gathering and storing rainwater, you will get water that can then be used for cleaning, or for irrigation or livestock. Rainwater can be collected from area roofs, or on the ground, in areas designed especially for collection.

With the shortage of clean, usable water today, rain harvesting makes a great deal of sense. In this process of gathering and storing rainwater, you will get water that can then be used for cleaning, or for irrigation or livestock. Rainwater can be collected from area roofs, or on the ground, in areas designed especially for collection.

In areas without modern water systems, rain harvesting may be the only source of water that is available to the people, or the only way they can affordably collect water. You can construct simpler rainwater systems, or use a sophisticated system. They can usually be manufactured from materials found locally, and they can work in many areas without other water sources.

Rainwater that is harvested from roofs may be high quality enough to be usable without treatment. There may be contaminants on roofs that are harmful to drink, but the water can be used for watering plants, washing clothes or flushing toilets.

Some methods of rain harvesting are simpler and greener than others. Companies like Wahaso – Water Harvesting Solutions ( will utilize either passive or active methods, depending on the amount of rainfall in your area, and the materials available for more sophisticated systems.

Rainwater is usually harvested from a roof or the ground. The systems that capture water at ground level use a channel system to get the collected water from the area where it is caught, to a storage area. These types of systems work well in smaller communities, and if they are well-designed, they can collect helpful significant quantities of water.

There are other rain harvesting methods that are more sophisticated, and these channel water from the roof to the storage area with pipes and gutters. They are designed so that standing water is avoided, and so that they can carry the flow even during peak rainy weather. Any storage tanks used need to be covered, so that they won't become a haven for mosquito breeding. Covering storage tanks will also allow for less evaporation and less growth of algae. The system should be frequently cleaned, to keep it in a state of good hygiene.

Rain Harvesting can also be done by the use of a subsurface dyke, which restricts the groundwater's natural flow, and raises the level of groundwater.

You can also use a groundwater recharge method to harvest rainwater. In this manner, ground runoff is collected and then allowed to be absorbed, which then adds to the groundwater levels. Rainwater harvesting can give you a supply of water that is independent, during times of shortage, and it can hold water that is generally of a quality that is sufficient for many household needs and landscape watering.

Article Source : Harvesting_36840.aspx

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Rain Harvesting can also be done by the use of a subsurface dyke, which restricts the groundwater's natural flow, and raises the level of groundwater. You can also use a groundwater recharge method to harvest rainwater.

Keywords : Rainwater Harvesting,

Category : Business : Business

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