Project failure causes are many
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Every project is different and therefore, unique. But there is a possibility that you can pinpoint the project failure causes because the same generalities can be used. This means that problems that begin with change, issues and improper communication must be dealt with immediately.
What is a project? It is an endeavor that has been undertaken to create a special product or service.
Every project is different and therefore, unique. But there is a possibility that you can pinpoint the project failure causes because the same generalities can be used. Here are some of them:
1. The most common cause for project failure is poor up-front planning. Projects are begun without understanding completely the kind and amount of work to be done. When it begins to dawn on the project manager that the project is not up to speed, it might be too late to get back on track within the time frame and budget. Therefore it is of utmost importance to define the boundaries of the project well.
2. Vague or incomplete work plan for the project. The road map for the completion of the project must be crystal clear. If it’s set a higher level than required or if its not up to date, there will be problems. On a small project, this is not glaring as it would show on a large one.
3. Project management discipline is extremely important if the project has to succeed. This means that problems that begin with change, issues and improper communication must be dealt with immediately. Additionally, managing project risk should also be in the forefront of the project manager’s thoughts and road plan.
4. Another important project failure cause is inadequate resources. This covers a whole gamut of areas from the appropriate level of resources to do the job, correct estimation of work, and the right skill mix to work on different areas of the project.
5. When the project is on track, there will hardly be any people problems another major project failure cause. However, when this is not the case and people have to work longer hours, feel stresses thereby getting edgy, have personality conflicts, there will generally be a lot of trouble and the project might slip and fall back on various deadlines.
6. Another important factor for project failure is life cycle issues. These include:
a. Improper definition of requirements that may lead to gaps.
b. Using new technology that the project team is not used to which might cause problems.
c. A poor technical design that leads to solutions that cannot be modified.
d. Components of the technology do not fit together.
e. Improper testing techniques that may cause errors and a lot of rework.
f. Poor leadership at most levels
g. Misguided alignment between the organization’s business and the project team.
7. Improper or incomplete communication and this includes progress tracking and reporting.
8. Cultural differences that exist between the client and project team.
If these project failure causes occur while the project is nearing completion, it might be prudent to do whatever is required to complete and deliver it to the satisfaction of the client.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Project failure causes are many_136392.aspx
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Victor is an experienced Content writer and publisher specialist in writing about project failure causes and managing project risk.He has done post graduation in English literature and regularly writes content for print media such as magazines,newspapers etc.
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Project failure causes, managing project risk,
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