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Project Framework Software to create Project Documents Automatically

Posted On : Feb-07-2012 | seen (460) times | Article Word Count : 713 |

Whether you are a Manager, a Consultant, a Freelance or an IT Professional you face with the overwhelming task of writing Project Documents on a regular basis. Why not thinking about an elegant software to create such Documents automatically?
The "Problem" Whether you are a Manager, a Consultant, a Freelance or an IT Professional, there has to be an easy way to take care and manage the overwhelming task of writing Project Documents on a regular basis. We all went through this nightmare of creating documentation - a plenty of it - and do it again and again for different Customers but always with the feeling of a déjà vu. Documents reuse is a good shortcut but still a lot of reworking needs to be done all the times to not find ourselves into embarrassing situations with our Customers.
Same thing if you think of Document Templates - either so rich of details to become an even greater pain or so stupid to be simply useless. Besides, Templates do not fill themselves in, you always need to...
So, why not figuring out elegant software to create Project Documents based on wisely inserted pieces of information, focusing on Customer's context only and leaving all the rest to be made automatic?

The Vision
Such software should work for any Customer and any Project associated to your Customers, even with the chance of exporting/importing Best Practices and share every single piece of information within a Team of People, as in every day's life. The more customizable, the better.

Setup the tool first
First thing you might expect is that of having a streamlined methodology to cover all the typical IT Project Steps. You'd need to enlist Software and Hardware Providers, depict Networking, define Databases and data bricks and specify which are the typical Service rates based on the currencies you need.

Start with the Context
The second step which should be necessary is that of clearly defining the scope in terms of Applications, Users per Applications, Hardware, Costs, Business case and Project Tasks. Everything prepared here should address the content of Business Proposals right away.

Design the Requirements
Functional requirements, data models and CRUD matrixes have always been a pain. The expectation here should be of a pleasant experience to be repeated with a smile stamped on the face of the Professional in charge of it.

System Integration
A Project with one system only is not a real Project; this is something all Professionals know. Only when many Applications are working together in a seamless manner, being integrated/interfaced and orchestrated as Swiss clocks, then things get interesting and complicated enough to require appropriate documentation. This is another point where the Software should work smoothly as expected.

Test Strategies: one of the greatest pains ever
Did you ever create Test Groups, Test Cases and User Acceptance Test cards? Have you ever been asked from a Customer of yours to prepare such a pain on its behalf? No one would start this relevant job without the feeling of a giant stone on his/her chest. What a dream would be that of having software doing it in a matter of seconds. That is for sure one of the most relevant requirements this software should exhibit.

Business Proposals and Business Cases
When a Project is very well known, in terms of Applications involved and required resources, the creation of a Sales Proposal - for Software or Professional Services - is for sure a frequently asked activity. In such a condition, days are usually spent to define such a delicate document, checking over and over again prices and legal Terms and Conditions.
Same thing whether a Customer should ask a Consulting Company the economic effort required to face with a strategic Project: this set of calculations, better known as Business Cases, are the result of a pretty much accurate analysis which requires a lot of time.
Both tasks would be a mandatory requirement for a useful Software.

...then Project Framework is what you need
This software is neither a dream nor a theoretical exercise.
It really exists and is named Project Framework.
Through a dedicated and yet inexpensive application you may count on 50+ beautiful Project Documents created automatically on the spot, either in MS Word or Excel, with all the references, logos, chapters, appropriate calculations, everything a Top Tier Consulting Company is used to share with its own Customers.
Just check it out and see it yourself.

Article Source : Framework Software to create Project Documents Automatically_145493.aspx

Author Resource :
Mark Tennison comes from IT Consulting experience, having been a Consulting Manager with a Top Tier Consulting Company for more than 10 years. He is currently working as an independent consultant talking to VP/CxO levels.

Keywords : Project Documents, Project Framework,

Category : Computers : Software

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