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Private tutoring- A driving force to Complete your assignments and home-works

Posted On : Aug-29-2011 | seen (269) times | Article Word Count : 417 |

Few weeks back a got a mail from a parent saying, “Dear Joe, my daughter (Sara) is 12 years old and she is struggling to complete the home-works especially in Math.
Few weeks back a got a mail from a parent saying,
“Dear Joe, my daughter (Sara) is 12 years old and she is struggling to complete the home-works especially in Math. I am afraid whether she should get good grades in upcoming exams. I don’t know whether my daughter has got reasoning and understanding capability. Please help us with this”.
I know the importance of this mail by being a private tutor. I immediately called that parent since she has included her contact number along with mail. We decided for tutoring classes. I started tutoring for three days per week.
Little story about my tutoring with Sara:
Sara is smart looking girl who grabs lessons quickly. I found that she had very hard time to understand lessons which she gets from public school. And constantly fails to do her home works. She hates Math completely since her Math teacher was too strict and gave lots of Math home-works.
I explained that Math is easy subject if you start to like it. I started to teach simple formulas and procedures to solve simple, complex problems. In our interval break, Sara and I spoke about her public school, math teacher. I used to say some stories which made her laugh and enjoy. Thus she became friendly to me.
I too gave her home-works in math. Initially she hesitated to do but I gave procedures to complete the work. Finally she got involved into subject and motivated her to do home-works. Thus I was much satisfied for private tutors’ job.
Private tutoring in my opinion:
Students opt private tutoring if they face difficulties to study or understand subjects by their own or in public schools teaching. The growing trend of private tutoring shows, that most of students are dissatisfied in public school teaching or any other kind of teaching method other than private tutoring. Private tutors take individual attention upon students, understand their strength and weakness then handle classes accordingly. Thus students feel free to ask their doubts to private tutors and study well.
I would like to include few benefits of being private tutors:
• Benefits for private tutors:
1. Only passionate people can become personal tutors. Thus they get job satisfaction as results of tutoring.
2. Can earn money either by part time tutoring and full time tutoring.
3. Learn as well as teach latest trend thus building their portfolio.
• On students perspective:
1. Very affordable
2. Effective strategy to understand subjects’ concepts.
3. Can clarify doubts anytime.

Article Source : tutoring- A driving force to Complete your assignments and home-works_77500.aspx

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The summary of this article goes in this way, private tutoring is driving force to study well, warm support of motivation and also best resource to complete home-works and assignments. Have a visit to to get assistance from private tutors in academic studies.

Keywords : Private Tutors, Personal Tutors, Be a Tutor,

Category : Business : Business

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