Paralegal School Accreditation
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Paralegal school accreditation is a crucial factor to consider as you are deciding where to complete your education. Whether you’re planning on attending a technical school, vocational institute, community college, online university or a traditional college or university program, you can count on having a good education as long as the school is ABA accredited.
Paralegal school accreditation is a crucial factor to consider as you are deciding where to complete your education. Whether you’re planning on attending a technical school, vocational institute, community college, online university or a traditional college or university program, you can count on having a good education as long as the school is ABA accredited.
The Importance of ABA Accreditation
The ABA is the American Bar Association, and most law offices and legal departments only hire graduates of paralegal programs that they recognize as accredited. It is also very difficult to get financial aid if you are not studying in an accredited program, and it’s almost impossible to transfer your education to a more advanced program if the school and its paralegal program weren’t accredited. It is clear to see just what a crucial factor this is.
There are many reasons why ABA accredited schools are so important for paralegal students aside from the obvious ones. It makes job applicants more competitive because employers can assume that the graduate is trained in the established methods of the legal profession in an efficient and effective manner. The guidelines for ABA accreditation include an evaluation of the curriculum, faculty, technological tools and other factors of the school. Institutions of higher learning go through the ABA approval process voluntarily, but it is rare to find a school that simply doesn’t want to be accredited. It also makes the school more competitive.
Ask any state bar association, paralegal organization or law firm, and they will probably say they support ABA accreditation. It is particularly helpful for law firms because hiring personnel can have a clearer picture of the education and training that their applicants have if they know that all the applicants completed an ABA approved program. They know the education and training was comprehensive, modern, up to date and effective for the student.
You simply cannot assume that a school is ABA accredited. In fact, the majority of them are not. About one fourth of the approximately 1,000 paralegal programs in the country are accredited by the American Bar Association. This is not to say that the schools that are not accredited by the ABA do not provide a good education or that their graduates do not get jobs; many schools have been accredited by other esteemed organizations and provide an adequate education. However, when it comes to paralegal school accreditation, ABA-approved schools will simply open more doors in your career.
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http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Paralegal School Accreditation_97196.aspx
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Paralegal school, paralegal schools, paralegal programs, paralegal courses,
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