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2675 O'Grady,

Paintball Tips - Your Winning Paintball Strategy

Posted On : Sep-05-2011 | seen (313) times | Article Word Count : 418 |

Whether you are just getting started or an avid player, these paintball tips will have you playing at the top of your game.
Be Aware Be aware of your surroundings. By constantly surveying your surrounding you will have a better feel for the game being played out and you may even find an opponent you didn't see before!

Be One with the Forest Use your surroundings as cover & diversion. Paintball Tip # 3 - Buddy System : have an on-field partner. Someone you can trust & work well with. Know their voice and their call system.

Conceal Concealment gives you the opportunity to surprise your opponent. Always be on the lookout for ways to conceal yourself and gain the edge.

Filling Station Learn how to shoot & fill your hopper at the same time. Any time you aren't alert and/or shooting is advantage time you give your opponents.

Hydrate Stay well hydrated during game play, and drink lots of water.

Map it Out Know your field, whether its field walking or checking out the terrain on Google Earth, having a good solid idea of the field will help you plan your strategies.

Numbers Game Know how many balls your loader holds and how many shots you get from your air system - this way you can plan your reloading and air fills accordingly.

Patience Keep hidden & be patient, wait for your opportunities and pounce on them when they arrive!

Profile Keep a small profile. The larger and looser you are in your barricade the easier you will be to spot and hit.

Stop Time Use a stopwatch during practice. Learn to feel the time and know how long it takes you and your team to complete plays.

Aye, Aye Captain
Having a designated leader for your team eliminates the "too many cooks in the kitchen" syndrome many teams develop. Follow your leaders instructions, he has the best interests of the team as a whole in mind.

Print Outs
Print out copies of the field layout & have every member of your team devise an attack plan. Discuss the different plans during field walking and pick a plan best suited to your team and your team's strengths. Even if you don't use everyone's plan at this event, you will be building a "Game Play" book.

Keep the opposing team locked behind their bunker or barricade by constant communication with your teammates. Know and understand the rolls of each member of your team and stick to the game plan. Work together for the common goal!

Article Source : Tips - Your Winning Paintball Strategy_79802.aspx

Author Resource :
To learn more paintball tips, please visit

Keywords : paintball tips, paintball strategy, paintball articles, paintball,

Category : Recreation and Sports : Recreation and Sports

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