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2675 O'Grady,

Paintball Tips - Working Successfully with your Paintball Team

Posted On : Sep-05-2011 | seen (298) times | Article Word Count : 433 |

In paintball, your interaction with your team is extremely important. Follow these helpful tips to take your teamwork to a whole new level and make your paintball team a winning team.

Paintball Tips - Working Successfully with your Paintball Team

In paintball, your interaction with your team is extremely important. Follow these helpful tips to take your teamwork to a whole new level and make your paintball team a winning team.

Aye, Aye Captain
Having a designated leader for your paintball team eliminates the "too many cooks in the kitchen" syndrome that many teams develop. Follow your leaders instructions, he has the best interests of the team as a whole in mind.

Have a code system, this will help your paintball team quickly summarize long or important sentences into short, simple words.

Devise a list of names for the bunkers or positions on the field. Practice these with your paintball team mates. Keep constant communication with your team mates during game play.

Plan of Attack
Have a plan for the game or scenario your team is playing. Make sure all paintball players have a role. Stick to the plan for best results.

Pre Fill
Try to pre-fill as many pods as possible before your game, that way you are not filling between points wasting time & paintballs when you could be helping your players on field.

Print Outs
Print out copies of the field layout & have every member of your paintball team devise an attack plan. Discuss the different plans during field walking and pick a plan best suited to your team and your team's strengths. Even if you don't use everyone's plan at this event, you will be building a "Game Play" book.

Learn the basics & mechanics of snap shooting. Even if your position on field does not tend to require much one-on-one shootouts, the accuracy needed to be successful translates to any position on the field.

Take a Walk
Spend time with your paintball team walking the field before a game to understand which angles & places will offer the best cover. Discuss your bunker names & field strategies. A well rehearsed team will yield more successes!

Keep the opposing team locked behind their bunker or barricade by constant communication with your teammates. Know and understand the rolls of each member of your team and stick to the game plan. Work together for the common goal!

After a game, take a moment with your team to talk about it. What did you do well as a team? What needs to be improved? Communication off the field is every bit as important as communication on the field.

Article Source : Tips - Working Successfully with your Paintball Team_79801.aspx

Author Resource :
To learn more about paintball teams, please visit

Keywords : paintball tips, paintball teams, paintball players, paintball articles, paintball,

Category : Recreation and Sports : Recreation and Sports

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