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PSD to CSS XHTML: Some Indispensable Factors You Must Know

Posted On : Nov-08-2011 | seen (314) times | Article Word Count : 517 |

PSD to CSS/XHTML is one of the most used techniques in web development. CSS lends uniformity to a website while XHTML which is an improved version of HTML increases the functionality.
PSD to CSS/XHTML is one of the most used techniques in web development. CSS lends uniformity to a website while XHTML which is an improved version of HTML increases the functionality. Converting to a markup like HTML or XHTML turns the PSD file into a web compatible format. But PSD to HTML conversion and PSD to CSS must be executed with utmost care and perfection for the website to be visually attractive and rank high in the search engines. Here are some of the indispensable factors that you must know before you start with the conversion.

Slice With Care – If you are looking for a pixel perfect website you need to slice the PSD file with care. Plan the slicing process in your mind before you start execution. Also try to make selections in zoomed mode as this will reduce the chances of aesthetic error in your website. Every sliced element should be put into a separate layer for ease.

Hand Coding Is Best – There are many software and applications that convert PSD to HTML but it would be wise to stay away from such shortcuts. They generate unnecessary lines of codes which can make your page heavy and hurt your SEO score. Instead opt of clean hand coding as this will boost your rankings and keep the code base low. Adopt semantic coding technique as this boosts your website further by defining all the elements in the website.

W3C Validation – This is one of the most indispensible factors which you must remember. Your PSD to HTML code needs to be W3C validated as this checks the HTML and XHTML documents for well-formed markup. It also ensures the technical quality of web pages, its structure and coding standards.

Don’t Ignore CSS – There are a many developers who tend to ignore the CSS file. It doesn’t only lend uniformity to your website but makes it easy for you to make changes to your website from time to time. If you want to change a certain element throughout the website you just need to make changes to the CSS file. In short the Cascading Style Sheet separates the content from the design element in your website.

Cross Browser Compatibility – When you convert PSD to HTML/XHTML you also need to make sure that the website is compatible with all the major browsers in the world – Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera. This is important to ensure that the website appears and functions uniformly across all browsers which can result in substantial traffic growth.

The PSD to XHTML/HTML conversion services that you hire impact the end quality of your website. You should always engage the best developers for your project as this will improve the quality substantially. Many web development firms specialize in PSD to CSS/ XHTML coding and you should look to hire their services. Compromising with the quality of the developers will result in compromising with the website and you cannot afford such a costly mistake in this competitive world.

Article Source : to CSS XHTML: Some Indispensable Factors You Must Know_101261.aspx

Author Resource : converts your design files from various common image formats into best quality cross-browser compatible W3C validated XHTML/CSS markup. Check for our PSD to HTML, PSD to CSS/XHTML, PSD to Wordpress/drupal/magento/joomla and other conversion services.

Keywords : psd to html, psd to css, convert psd to html,

Category : Internet Business : Web Design

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