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Outsourcing to a Reliable Legal Transcription Company can save Time and Money

Posted On : Jan-29-2012 | seen (184) times | Article Word Count : 556 |

Rather than setting up the infrastructure to do their transcription in-house, legal entities can gain by outsourcing to a reliable legal transcription company. This can save time and money.
Legal entities such as attorneys, law firms, courts, and other legal departments looking for transcription services should take care to outsource their work to the right service provider. Outsourcing to a reliable legal transcription company can save time and money. This article explains how.

Save Money

•Save on Infrastructural Expenses: Outsourcing saves on the infrastructural expenses that would be needed if the job within the legal practice. More rental space, a server, computers, digital recorders, networking facilities, specialized software and high-speed internet connectivity. Such a set up involves a very high investment. It would definitely be more economical to outsource their transcription to professional legal transcription companies which have the entire infrastructure in place. Some even provide digital recorders free to clients with volume transcription requirements.

•Save on hiring Legal Transcriptionists: The transcription of audio and video files on legal matters requires special transcription skills. A reliable legal transcription company would have a team of legal transcriptionists specialized in various legal areas such as real estate, family, personal injury, business, corporate, and criminal law. They are trained in transcribing memorandum letters, depositions, hearings, legal pleadings, reports, briefs, court transcripts, client letters, and more. Hiring and retaining such expert transcriptionists in a legal practice is expensive.

•Get Affordably Priced Professional Legal Transcription Service: An established outsourcing company can provide high quality transcription at competitive prices. Standard pricing norms such as guideline 65 character line billing are followed. Pricing policies are based on factors such as volume, quality of dictation, and turnaround time. Other factors that determine pricing are ramp up periods, reassignment of employees, technology requirements, and so on. Many providers do not charge for headers, footers, underlining or bolding.

Save Time

•Obtain Legal Documents in Customized TAT: Reliable online legal transcription service providers ensure all the legal documents are delivered in customized TAT. They understand the importance of delivering the final documents in time to meet legal deadlines. With good audio, they can ensure accuracy of up to 99%.

•Document flow management software for end-to-end tracking of data: A reliable legal transcription outsourcing service provider would have an efficient document flow management system in place. This helps avoid unnecessary delays. Lawyers can make changes on the files even as they are being transcribed and obtain timely reports. All their documents are archived and stored so that no time is wasted on retrieving them when required.

•Quality Assurance: High levels of quality assurance ensure high levels of accuracy in the final output. This saves the time that lawyers would otherwise need to spend on correcting errors.

Look for Customized Legal Transcription Service

While it is quite obvious that outsourcing to a reliable legal transcription company can save time and money, it is also important that legal entities obtain customized transcription services. They should find a provider that understands their specific requirements and is capable of meeting them promptly and affordably.

About author

MOS Legal Transcription Service is one of the leading legal transcription companies in Tulsa, Oklahoma, providing accurate and time bound legal transcription services to the legal community. With the best utilization of advanced technologies and highly skilled professionals, MOS provides legal transcription services for lawyers, attorneys, and other legal professionals nationwide.

Article Source : to a Reliable Legal Transcription Company can save Time and Money_140580.aspx

Author Resource :
MOS Legal Transcription Service is one of the leading legal transcription companies in Tulsa, Oklahoma, providing accurate and time bound legal transcription services to the legal community. With the best utilization of advanced technologies and highly skilled professionals, MOS provides legal transcription services for lawy

Keywords : online legal transcription, legal transcription company, legal transcription companies, legal transcription outsourcing, lega,

Category : Business : Business

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