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Osteopenia vs. osteoporosis

Posted On : Dec-03-2011 | seen (2899) times | Article Word Count : 816 |

Osteopenia and osteoporosis are the two most common diseases of the skeletal system.
Osteopenia and osteoporosis are the two most common diseases of the skeletal system. Osteoporosis affects more than 50% of Americans, with more than 80% of them are women. Although less severe disease had osteopenia recognized by WHO as a precursor of osteoporosis. A medical condition that more than half the population of a country is something very serious! Here is a comparison of the osteopenia vs. osteoporosis. But before we begin, let us look at what is the relationship between calcium and bone density, such as calcium deficiency is a major cause for the majority of bone diseases.

Calcium and Bones - What is Connection?

One of the primary functions of the bones in the human body is the storage of minerals like calcium and phosphorus. The piece of bone tissue (known as bone tissue), the salts of calcium, including calcium phosphate and calcium hydroxyapatite. If the bones of the fetus are formed, the bone tissue is first synthesized in the form unmineralized. It is then mineralized in calcium and phosphorus salts. Therefore, much of the mass is made of bone calcium compounds. Now imagine there are that less than normal levels of calcium in the body - it would not be on the strength of the bone? Therefore, one of the primary causes of osteopenia and osteoporosis is calcium deficiency.

Osteopenia - low bone density

Low bone density (-1.0 to -2.5, as determined T-score of bone mineral density test).
Not a very serious illness.
No characteristic symptoms.
Affected by lifestyle, diet, exercise, nutrition,etc.
BMD stands for bone density. Osteopenia is a condition characterized by a lower than normal bone density. In layman's terms refers to the amount of bone BMD bone per cubic centimeter. The average bone density of a healthy human adult is 1500kg/m3. Bone density is measured as a T-score. The T-score of a healthy adult human is -1.0 or higher. Osteopenia is a condition wherein the T-score of an individual is selected in the range of -1.0 to -2.5.

We tend to overlook the wearing of bone, or we find it difficult, the fact that something so hard and strong as bone is also subject to wear and tear to cover. However, everyone begins to lose some of their bone density, because they made the exciting 30s. But 30 is "threatening" along with being "exciting," if you do not know! I do not mean to scare you, but not it's better safe than sorry? Normal wear and tear causes the gradual weakening of the bones. However, if your bones are weak to begin with (due to poor eating habits, stress, less exercise or too much exercise), you could be a victim of osteopenia by the time you reach your 40s become.

With regard to treatment, it is also good news - even simple exercises osteopenia take care of the condition for you. If all it takes to weak bones care is the right amount of the right kind of exercise, I think it's a very trivial change in lifestyle does not integrate it?

Osteoporosis - "Porous Bones

Low bone density (less than -2.5, asdetermined by T-score of bone mineral density test).
Serious condition, marked by the breaking of bones, which usually does not occur in healthy people (hip, rib, wrist, etc., as shown in the picture above).
The symptoms include a tendency to always suffer from fractures, even an ordinary slip-and-fall incident may end up in a fracture.
Causes can be varied (including menopausal osteoporosis is observed in women)
Do not take that too literally - Osteoporosis does not mean that you actually have "porous bones"! But in fact the bones of a man suffering from osteoporosis, are weaker and more prone to break (fracture) than those of normal people, they are brittle. Speaking in terms of the T values, the T-score of a person suffering from osteoporosis, lower than -2.5.

Bones are made up of much more than just bone marrow. Bone cells called osteocytes. They make the largest chunk of bone. They originate from osteoblasts. Osteoblasts synthesize a number of bone proteins known collectively as osteoid. All these and many other structures are arranged in a special way to the architecture of the bone. In osteoporosis the bone, this architecture is to lose. There are many causes of osteoporosis, many reasons why you may be affected by the disease. It is best to educate yourself about them, so that you can estimate when your lifestyle meets one of them.

Treatment of osteoporosis is more stringent than those of osteopenia. Vitamin D supplements are beneficial in the treatment of osteoporosis. The relationship between calcium deficiency and bone density (as discussed above) will explain why calcium treatment also has a remarkable improvement in patients with osteoporosis showed. Apart from the commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis - calcitonin,

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