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Old mechanical clocks

Posted On : Oct-11-2011 | seen (348) times | Article Word Count : 627 |

Operation day and need the sun shines - encouraged the use of other techniques for measuring time.
The sundial , which measures the time of day using the sun, was widely used in the ancient world . Well constructed a sundial can measure the solar time local with reasonable accuracy, and sundials continued to be used to monitor the performance of clocks until the modern period. However, the practical limitations - operation day and need the sun shines - encouraged the use of other techniques for measuring time.

Candles and hourglasses

Candles and incense sticks that burn at relatively predictable were also used to estimate the passage of time. In an hourglass , a quantity of fine sand pours through a small hole at a constant rate and indicates the transition from a period of time.

Water clocks

Water clocks, also known as the water clocks , are perhaps the oldest of instruments for measuring time beyond astronomy. It is not known when they were invented. The bowl-shaped output is the simplest form of a water clock and is known to have existed in Babylon and Egypt to the xvi th century BC. AD . Other parts of the world such as India and China, also have evidence of ancient water clocks, but the dating is less certain. Some authors, however, indicate that water clocks appeared as early as 4000 BC in these regions.

The Greeks and Romans advanced the design of water clocks by adding complex gear systems, allowing them to connect to PLCs original but resulted in better accuracy. These advances were amplified and transmitted to Europe through Byzantium and Islamic civilization. Regardless, the Chinese have developed their own advanced water clocks in 725 AD, and forwarded their findings to Korea and Japan. In addition, some models of water clocks were developed independently and then a number of techniques have been passed by the major trade routes (Silk Road, international trade ...).

In 797 (or perhaps 801), Caliph of Baghdad, Harun ar-Rashid , gave a white elephant to Charlemagne in Asia named Abul-Abbas and an hourglass emblem of technological know-how of Arab civilization.

At the xiii th century, Al-Jazari, an engineer who worked for the King of Diyar-Bakr, Nasir al-Din, has made ??numerous clocks of all shapes and sizes. Her book describes fifty mechanical devices in six categories, including water clocks. The most famous clocks include the elephant, the Scribe and the clock of the castle, all of which were successfully reconstructed. In addition to giving time, these clocks were great symbols of the greatness and wealth of the state Urtuq.

Old mechanical clocks

None of the first mechanical clocks survived from the xiii th century in Europe, but several mentions in church records reveal some of the early days of the clock.
The word horologia (Greek ??a, time and ???e??, say) was used to describe all these devices, but using this word all the tools for measuring time is hiding the true nature of their mechanisms.

For example, there is a document describing the installation in 1176 of a "clock" in the cathedral of Sens , but the mechanism is unknown. According to Jocelin of Brakelond, in 1198 during a fire at the Abbey of St Edmundsbury , the monks ran to the clock for water, indicating that their water clock had a tank large enough to help put out an occasional fire.

Mercury clock described in the Libros del Saber Astronomía , a work written in the year 1277 by King Alfonso X of Castile, the Wise consisting of translations and paraphrases of books in Arabic, is sometimes cited as evidence of Muslim knowledge of mechanical clock. The engine of the first Mercury PLC was invented by Ibn Khalaf al-Murad.

Article Source : mechanical clocks_90798.aspx

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