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Nursing reports- not as easy as it sounds

Posted On : Aug-05-2011 | seen (254) times | Article Word Count : 520 |

Nursing as a profession is regarded more as a vocation than a profit incurring job. It is a profession that requires a lot of hard work and patience. It involves infinite endurance and tolerance powers to be able to deal with all kinds of patients. The work of a nurse usually involves nursing reports, checking the patient’s statistics periodically, dressing wounds etc. it is a trying job that requires more than a qualifying degree.
A nurse or a license practical nurse works under a physician or the head nurse and is an attendant to the doctor in charge. He or she is responsible for monitoring the patient at all times. Checking temperatures, dressing wounds, monitoring the heart rate, giving medicines and periodically checking the vital statistics of the patient is the job of the nurse. It is a physically as well as emotionally trying job and requires infinite patience from the nurse.

A nurse during the course of the day deals with at least ten patients not all of whom are easy to deal with. Some people do not make very good patients and can act very difficult during routine procedures. Nurses have to put up with such behavior with a smiling face and adopt these patients as their own. Within the duties of a nurse is included making and keeping up to date a nurse report sheet.

A nurse report sheet is a sheet of paper which contains all the details of the patient from medical history and insurance to the current ailments and treatment being provided. It also contains important information like the home address of the patient, contact number in case of an emergency, job details as well as certain personality traits. These are regarded as nursing notes where the nurse takes down private notes to help him or her take better care of the patient.

Nursing notes are especially useful when nurses are changed due to time shifts. Notes of the events that occurred during the day help the nurse taking over from the previous one, understand the case better and to provide superior care. Nursing report forms are to be periodically filled out by the nurse on duty. The report form contains several routine questions like body temperature, treatment given until then, progress of the patient etc. it is a routine form that is required to be filled out for consultation with the doctor.

Nursing forms and nurse report sheet are important documents which are the responsibility of the nurse in charge. He or she needs to be extremely particular about the forms and fill them out with diligence and accuracy. These forms and reports can be crucial in times of an emergency for it helps to know the exact condition of the patient over the last couple of hours.

Nurses are highly qualified individuals contrary to the popular belief that those who couldn’t become doctors became nurses. People who want to have slightly more regular hours and a less physically tasking job choose to become nurses. This doesn’t mean that they have to work less hard or that they are under qualified. These individuals have to attend a special school for nursing where they are taught all the traits of a good nurse. A good nurse is one who is patient, intelligent, diplomatic and kind. He or she should be able to handle difficult patients and family members with ease and tact. A nurse is usually the one who has to interact with the patient daily and hence should be approachable and kind.

Article Source : reports- not as easy as it sounds_71501.aspx

Author Resource :
A nurse is a highly qualified individual who takes up a vocation to serve patients. He or she should prepare the nurse report sheet periodically as well as the nursing forms. The nursing report forms are an important part of a patient’s history and should be prepared carefully. is the best site to visit for more information regarding a nurse’s job.

Keywords : nurse report sheet, nursing report forms, nursing forms,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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