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3-7 Herbal Hill

New Car Loans - Drive Your Dream Car

Posted On : Sep-20-2010 | seen (282) times | Article Word Count : 310 |

New car loans provide you fiscal assistance to fund your dream car. These advances are of the secured and the unsecured form. Purchase your desired car with easy finance at low rates of interest. Explore your options using the online mode.
A car is not only a luxury but it has also become a necessity for few. You might have a rough picture of the car you dream to purchase but due to financial difficulties you compromise ion your dreams. Well you do not have to shatter your desires with new car loans. These loans are initialed to design your dream car and provide financial back up.
You can borrow finance ranging from £2,000 to £500,000. The repayment period varies form 1- 5 years.

This form of credit belongs to the secured and the unsecured category. If you avail the secured form of credit then you have to place security against the credit amount. Hence the interest rates they carry are comparatively lower than the unsecured. You should make repayment by the due date. In case you do not then the lender will take charge of your pledged collateral.

On the other hand if you apply for the unsecured form of finance you do not have to pledge any collateral against the funds you borrow. Therefore these advances involve more risks. So the lenders risk in dealing with you is more, hence they carry a high rate of interest.

Eligibility conditions:

• you must be a citizen of UK,
• you must attain majority in age i.e.18 years of age,
• you should posses a valid bank account in your name,
• you must be employed with a regular income
• you must earn a minimum of at least £1000.

You can also apply for these advances through the online mode. It is a very means of availing credit. You just have to fill a complete online application form submitting all true information. It saves a lot of your time. More over you do no have to waste your time standing in long queues.

Article Source : Car Loans - Drive Your Dream Car_33831.aspx

Author Resource :
Peter Darwin is financial adviser for UK Finance World. Click here to know more about new car loans, unsecured loans, bad credit loans and used car loans.

Keywords : new car loans, car loans, best car loans, online car loans UK,

Category : Finance : Loans

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