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Net obfuscator

Posted On : Dec-01-2011 | seen (273) times | Article Word Count : 590 |

Freely available decompilers such as .NET Reflector can give anyone access in seconds to the full source code of your .net libraries and applications. Most protection solutions offer various net obfuscation methods like body protection, native code protection or assembly encryption to protect your applications. CodeWall combines the best of all of those protection types into a single easy to use product.
.NET applications are easily reversed engineered by simple decompiler tool and sabotage the cyber ethics. Net obfuscation protects intellectual property by renaming, control flow obfuscation and string encryption. While cyber crime has become a major concern to the world, such services enhance the possibility of protection of intellectual rights of the developer and owners of any IT service or product providers. The effect of such practices has phenomenal consequences on business process and tampers the customer trust and faith. It is highly recommended to defend, monitor and measure the performance of application being developed and used by the customers.
Freely available decompilers such as .NET Reflector can give anyone access in seconds to the full source code of your .net libraries and applications. Most protection solutions offer various net obfuscation methods like body protection, native code protection or assembly encryption to protect your applications. CodeWall combines the best of all of those protection types into a single easy to use product.

With CodeWall you no longer have to choose only one protection type. CodeWall includes all of them and they are fully compatible with each other so you can use all protection types at the same time to protect your applications or standalone libraries. Method Body Protection in net obfuscation uses native code to protect the bodies of the methods of your .net libraries and applications leaving the method bodies unreadable so they can't be decompiled.

All the assembly metadata remains intact so this option can be safely used with shared components and libraries that rely on reflection or serialization. Obfuscation renames symbols such as namespaces, classes, structures, interfaces, enumerations, methods, fields, events, and properties making it very difficult to understand what they do.

CodeWall supports incremental net obfuscation, custom renaming patterns and rule based obfuscation so you can fully configure how and what symbols are renamed. Assembly Encryption encrypts all the assemblies of your application inside a fully protected single exe that loads the assemblies directly to memory right before they are needed by the runtime.

Your original assemblies are never present on the hard drive. If somebody tries to analyze your application files all they will find is a fully protected exe with all the symbols renamed and all method bodies protected by control flow net obfuscation and method body protection.
More than one developer can use CodeWall as long as they all use the same computer. If you want to run CodeWall on more than one computer you must buy an additional license for each additional computer. When you create a new account you can specify the number of computers you want to use CodeWall on. The limitation is only the number of computers that you use.
Net obfuscation gives you benefits like save time on configuration, just tell CodeWall what you want to protect, the protection type you want to use and where you want it. The default settings work for most applications. Avoid having to change your protection configuration on each Release. For more complex applications that require more detailed configuration, CodeWall supports Rule Based Protection so you only have to make any required adjustments once. Save time setting up your build processes. CodeWall includes a command line generator for fast integration into your build process. Net obfuscation by CodeWall is available in 1, 2, 5, and 10 license packs. One license is required for each computer on which CodeWall will be installed. No additional licenses or royalties are required to deploy applications protected with CodeWall.

Article Source : obfuscator_112602.aspx

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Keywords : Net obfuscation,

Category : Computers : Computers

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