Naturally coping with Stress and Anxiety
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If you’re like most people your mind was somewhere else, worrying about the mortgage, racking your brain for ideas about where your husband can find work or cursing the limitations of your employer’s dental coverage because your son needs braces next year.
You’re driving your kids to visit with your parents, a journey you’ve taken hundreds of times, yet suddenly you realize you’re headed the wrong way on the freeway and you’ve already driven about 15 miles off course. Where was your head? If you’re like most people your mind was somewhere else, worrying about the mortgage, racking your brain for ideas about where your husband can find work or cursing the limitations of your employer’s dental coverage because your son needs braces next year. Now you have to call your parents and explain why you’ll be late. And it just keeps getting worse. Sound familiar?
It has happened to most of us. But there are ways to help yourself cope better with the stress in your life and the anxiety symptoms that come along with it using various anxiety treatments available in market. We’ve all read articles that say “just change your thinking and be more positive” or quirky posters around the office displaying cute kittens hanging on a branch boasting “hang in there” like that will make everything better. Instead, there are real, easy to perform, strategies to help you handle your stress better and relieve your anxiety. The trick is to change your thinking and here are some things to do that will actually get you results.
1. Bore yourself with your thoughts. This approach is fairly simple and is based on rudimentary behavioral therapy. It’s the thought that familiarity breeds comfort and then boredom. For instance, if you are wary of horror films but forced yourself to watch one in particular, at the first viewing you would feel pretty anxious about it. Then after watching it a few dozen times you would feel less anxious and after a few more times you would be thoroughly bored with the movie and it would eventually have no effect on you. Apply this strategy to your particular worrisome thought. Repeat it over and over in your mind for about twenty minutes. Eventually you will be bored of the thought and you will be able to move on without it affecting you.
2. What’s the worst that could happen? Let’s find out. If your fear is going broke, then live like it for a while. Stop using your credit cards. Put yourself on a budget. Don’t go out to dinner for a month and see what happens. Chances are you’ll be just fine and still enjoy your life and your family.
3. It’s natural. We have extremely creative minds. We think of all sorts of things all day long and occasionally a strange thought will surface like, “I just stepped in a puddle of anti-free in the parking lot, does that mean my shoe will melt?” or “My husband just called and said he has bad news, will he ask for a divorce?” These thoughts don’t mean you’re paranoid or crazy, they are just little blips on the radar. Everyone has thoughts like this so don’t judge yourself by them. Just move on.
4. Give yourself time to worry instead of taking it. Instead of letting your worries control when you worry, set aside a specific time of the day to worry about things. Worrisome thoughts show up unannounced and can ruin an otherwise productive day. Instead of addressing your worry at 9:30am when it arises, write it down. Then, take time later in your day to think it through and resolve the issue. There is a good chance that at 4pm whatever was troubling you that morning won’t matter anymore and your day will have proceeded anxiety-free.
5. Stop and catch your breath. When you’re tense and stressed you hold your breath. If you focus on breathing instead of your anxiety you will be able to calm your nerves. Focus on your breath. Breathe in and out and concentrate on these movements. This is a very common approach to combatting stress and anxiety because it works.
6. Time is on your side. You may notice that many of your worrisome thoughts can make any situation feel like an emergency. But rest assured that it’s all temporary. Your feelings of panic will dissipate and then the emergent part of the situation seemingly evaporates. When you’re feeling the panic rise, take a second to ask yourself how you might feel about the situation in an hour or a day or a week or a month. Remember, this too shall pass.
Again, these techniques are tried and true. They get results. The more you practice them, the more natural they will become and the easier it will be to manage your stress and anxiety symptoms in a natural way.
Article Source : coping with Stress and Anxiety_92179.aspx
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