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Mudloggers focus on gradually moving on to higher roles and responsibilities in oil rigs

Posted On : Jun-27-2011 | seen (840) times | Article Word Count : 427 |

Oil jobs apart from promising renumeration galore also tend to bring in a perk that is ever so evident, yes traveling to some of the most remote yet picturesque locations in the world. Well then again in short, it can be said that there are indeed benefits galore that are anything but too hard to ignore with all sorts of oil rig jobs out there.
For anyone looking to get an entry in the ever so competitive oil and gas industry, the postion of a mudlogger can be anything but ideal to start with. Since, in real time going by the trends prevailing in the industry, it is not surprising to see many employees who have eventually gone on to occupy pivotal postions in oil rigs started as mudloggers.

Profile of a mudlogger

Usually, there are 2 mudloggers who work on 12-hour shifts to provide coverage at all times. Doing well to work on a tedious job profile that other than being strenuous and challenging demands installation of equipment and collection of samples while the drilling process goes on. What's more at all times, the job demands a mudlogger to be diligent since any lapse during monitoring of the level of dangerous gases may lead to a blowout.

Thus, looking at the profile closely in the overall scheme of things; a mudlogger is supposed to take care of the following tasks:

Installation of specialized equipment and connecting various sensors to a drilling appratus
Accumulation of rock cuttings and geological samples from the oil as well as the oil drilling process
Round-the-clock analysis and monitoring of gases coming up out of the wellbore, writing a report on them and entering the same in the database.

Perkas and benefits galore come attached with the job

Working as a mudlogger in oil rig as well as offshore jobs comes attached with a big perk or benefit on the job and that being travel. With many oil corporations having operations spread across the globe, employees have an ideal opportunity on hand to travel as well as work at the same time. Say for instance, oil jobs located in the Aberdeen or Scotland means that an employee has not only an opportunity to work on the oil rigs but at the same time see the wonderful attractions offered by the picturesque locations.

And yes, last but not the least with an increasing demand for oil coming from China and India, as well as a continued demand coming from the US and Europe, the drive to find the best and the most suitable candidates for oil rig jobs is bound to continue for a long time. Infact, as it can be further pointed out job vacancies in oil fields and offshore drilling rigs will remain unfilled for a long time to come, essentially making oil jobs the most sought after profession for the next two decades.

Article Source : focus on gradually moving on to higher roles and responsibilities in oil rigs_64776.aspx

Author Resource : is provide the best listings for all oil jobs in the UK. We gives all information about Offshore Jobs, Oil Jobs Oil Jobs Aberdeen, and oil rig jobs provided by North Sea Oil Jobs.

Keywords : Oil Jobs, oil rig jobs, Oil Jobs Aberdeen, Offshore Jobs,

Category : Business : Careers

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