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Moving Checklist Tips

Posted On : Jan-16-2012 | seen (348) times | Article Word Count : 1003 |

Moving can be one of the most dreary jobs you will ever have to experience, if you allow it to be. However, by becoming organized and focusing on the important aspects of moving, this once tedious job can become exciting. In order to remain organized, there are many different things that you can do to make the job go smoothly.
Moving can be one of the most dreary jobs you will ever have to experience, if you allow it to be. However, by becoming organized and focusing on the important aspects of moving, this once tedious job can become exciting. In order to remain organized, there are many different things that you can do to make the job go smoothly. One of the most important steps is making a checklist to ensure that everything is done that needs to be. The following is a description of the many moving checklist tips to ensure that you do not forget anything.

Around two months before your move, you should go through the home and determine what you can get rid of. This could be in the form of donating, or even have a garage sale to quickly get rid of unwanted items. At this time also, you should consider and begin to evaluate different moving companies. Be sure you check out references, as well as insurance on all of the companies you consider. Getting several estimates is a brilliant idea to help determine who you choose. Remember that even if someone if cheaper, this does not mean that they are better for the job. The person should be respectable and have excellent references. At this time also, you should begin a moving binder, which is a place to store important paperwork, inventory, and receipts. Also, make sure that the school records of your children begin to get organized as well in order to accommodate the transfer. All of these things should be done around two months before your move.

Next, about six weeks before the big move, you can begin to order boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and other supplies. Permanent markers are also important to have handy to mark the boxes that you pack. You may need to order special containers such as those for wardrobe, or dish barrels. This is the time to think about everything you will need and make sure it is on hand. At this time also, you should go through your food items and begin to use up what you can. Do not purchase a whole bunch more; this will only make it harder to pack everything. If you have food you do not use, donate it to the local food pantry. The next thing you should do six weeks ahead is to take measurements of your new home. This helps determine if furniture such as couches and chairs will fit in the door.

Next, since it is a month ahead, it is time to confirm the mover you have chosen, and make the proper arrangements. Be certain to get this in writing, including the date, confirmation, as well as costs. You can also begin packing at this time. Pack things that you do not use often such as off season clothing, knick-knacks, irons, or wall pictures. If you have expensive items such as a computer, you may wish to take out additional insurance to ensure the safety of these belongings. Additionally, be certain to label every box very clearly. Write large, and on both sides of the box. If the contents are something you use more often, write open first on that particular box. Furthermore, if you have special valuables such jewelry, you may consider finding a safe box, or transporting these items on your own. Also, a month ahead of time is perfect to begin the address change process, and notify important parties of the change. This includes insurance companies, credit card companies, and utility companies. If you are switching physicians, then you should transfer medical records at this time as well.

Next, just two weeks before the big move, you need to make sure you can take the day off of work. Also, if it is a lengthy move, you should consider taking your vehicle in for a tune up. Then, you should switch the safe-deposit box contents to a new bank if you will be changing. If not, call your current back and ensure they have the proper address. Finally, at this time it is vital to confirm the moving arrangements for your trip.

The time is getting closer to moving, and it is only one week ahead of time. At this point, you should check any prescriptions to ensure that you have all you will need for the next two weeks. Running out of medication could be a very big problem for some, for this reason, make sure of where you stand on your pills. Next, only one week before, it is time to finish packing your suitcases. Try to get the main items done, while leaving a suitcase for each family member with the items they will be wearing for the next few days.

Now, there is only a few days left before the big move. At this point you can go ahead and defrost the freezer and ensure it is empty. Also, go back over all of the details, and double check everything. Make sure that you leave your cell phone number as well as other important contact information for the moving staff. If the new home is hard to find, you should also leave detailed directions. Don’t forget to tip the movers appropriately, usually about 15% of the total bill. Keep in mind that refreshments are a kind way to show your appreciation for the movers. So within a few days of the move, have the payment and refreshments planned out.

Finally, moving day is here. You need to verify everything that you have written on your checklists, by taking inventory. Also, check the moving company to be certain they are from the hired company that you chose. Moving does not have to be a hard process. If you begin two months ahead of time, and follow the above moving checklist tips, then the process should go smoothly as planned.

Article Source : Checklist Tips_134250.aspx

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Category : Finance : Real Estate

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