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Minor is legal according to business law

Posted On : Dec-01-2011 | seen (315) times | Article Word Count : 407 |

Minor is a person who has not attained 18 years of age.
Minor is a person who has not attained 18 years of age. According to majority act, where a guardian of minor’s person or property is appointed or court of wards take charge of minor’s property, a minor will attain the age of majority after 21 years. A contract with minor is void, A minor is not libel to perform any act which he has promised because he does not possess the capacity to judge what received by him under the agreement. An agreement with a minor does not create legal and right and duties in contract law. Ratification means act of confirming or approving in commercial law agreement made by a minor cannot be confirmed by him on attaining the age of majority because an agreement which is void from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent confirmation in contract law. The rule of estoppels does not apply to a minor. It means that minor is not stopped from pleading his infancy in order to avoid a contract law. Even if he has entered into an agreement by falsely representing that he was of full age. In other words, where a minor represents fraudulently that he is of full age and induces another to enter into a contract with him; he is not bound by the court in commercial law of business. A minor cannot be compelled to repay the money received by him under an agreement, if anything is recoverable from minor out of the proceeds of the contract made by fraudulently showing that he was of full age.

. All the business and commercial and business transaction are involved in the commercial law. This law is involved in a commercial or a corporate company. In a corporate company all the principles and agents are involved. The corporate companies and agencies are mostly involved in the commercial law. Law is the set of rules and regulations that are imposed by the high court and are imposed to the government and the local public. These rules and regulations avoid the corruption within he particular region.

Different rules should be followed by the parties that are involved in the contract law or the business law. These obligations may be as the laws give the option to the one party to avoid it. If one party has received benefits, he must return it to the others. The aggrieved party can get damages from the other party.

Article Source : is legal according to business law_112566.aspx

Author Resource : experience in the area of Corporate Law, commercial law, Contract law and Franchise Law. Lex Law is unmatched in the state of Kentucky, and extends regionally. For more information, visit

Keywords : Corporate Law, commercial law, Contract law, Franchise Law ,

Category : Reference and Education : Legal

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