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Microsoft windows processes and files functionality

Posted On : Oct-26-2011 | seen (239) times | Article Word Count : 521 |

Microsoft Windows is a set of certain library, dll and executable files. It is important to learn the actual function of those files. This article briefly explains their role.
As we are all aware that Microsoft Windows has actually changed the concept of using the computers and made it possible for a layman to use it conveniently. I still remember the days of MS DOS, writing manual commands and using big floppy disks to carry data. At that level, non technical persons could never thought of using computers in such a friendly way. Since 1983 when Microsoft officially introduced their first GUI operating system, they never look behind and keep on developing revolutionized modules and introducing innovation.

Moving from 32-bit model to 64-bit structure is another remarkable achievement. In order to use Windows smoothly, a common user must be aware of some important elements being used by Windows. Learn some basic knowledge of important hardware components like RAM (random access memory), how to handle BIOS (basic input output system), Processor functionality, Video devices, Hard Drives etc. If you are aware of their features, probably it is easier to understand and manage system resources.

Microsoft Windows is comprised of some functions, libraries, dll and exe files. All are attributed with their specific features and operational abilities. Basically it controls the functionality of hardware components through these files. Here are some important files to know:

Some exe files are:

iexplore.exe - The iexplore.exe file supports web pages as well as Windows OS features, such as Microsoft Update. It is located in program files folder.

svchost.exe - Svchost.exe is a Windows system file. It is the Generic Host Process for Win32 Services. Svchost.exe manages 32-bit DLLs as well as other services. Often this file creates problem and consume so many system resources.

spoolsv.exe - The spoolsv.exe file is the Windows Print Spooler Service. It is the main component of the printing interfaces that allows you to print in the background without tied up the computer. Spoolsv.exe is responsible for how Windows handles print and fax tasks on your computer. The spoolsv.exe file is initialized on computer startup and it runs in the background.

regsvr32.exe - Regsvr32.exe is a Microsoft Windows operating system command-line utility for registering and unregistering self-register able DLLs and ActiveX controls in the Windows registry. A DLL has to export the functions DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer to be used with regsvr32.exe. This is usually necessary when you need to troubleshoot some issues with Windows, Internet Explorer, or other programs.

rundll.exe - The rundll.exe process is a command line utility. Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition (Me) contains two command-line utilities with this functionality - rundll.exe and rundll32.exe. Rundll.exe allows you to run 16-bit DLLs, whereas rundll32.exe runs 32-bit DLLs. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and newer versions contain only the rundll32.exe utility.
Files information source:

The reason why I’ve mentioned these files is their importance for an efficient performance. By default these files are located in Windows\Program Files folder but unfortunately many virus minded people have developed critical viruses with the same file names. If any of the above file is ever damaged, I suggest avoiding downloading them from the net but use Windows cd for original reference.

Article Source : windows processes and files functionality_96717.aspx

Author Resource :
Task management software - Windows processes and files

Keywords : windows files, .exe file, .dll file, windows help, windows processes,

Category : Computers : Software

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