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Medical records scanning-efficient file storage and organization

Posted On : Jan-18-2012 | seen (292) times | Article Word Count : 555 |

Medical records scanning is a process that rewards both patients and physicians in the health care system. They are HIPPA compliant and provides a faster way of being able to access documents. This text defines what they are and how they benefit both parties.
Document imaging in businesses isn't the only thing that's trending-so are medical records scanning in the U.S. health care system. Scanning patient records and changing them into digital files assist both physicians and patients secure documents and recover them wherever and whenever in a matter of seconds. This process can be easily integrated in the medical record system with a simple click of the mouse.

What is medical record scanning?

Medical record scanning is the process where medical records could become electronic documents with a scanner, which is plugged into a computer, and a storage device. By scanning the files of the patient, doctors have quick access to important records like lab results, MRI scans, x-ray images, and electrocardiogram or EKGs.

When patients drop by a different clinic because of an emergency, their charts may be accessed without delay. There will be no frantic searches in the office. Files will no longer be lost and faxing important documents will no longer be necessary.

Medical record scanning ensures patient records are updated with the most current test results and most recent footnotes of the doctor. Hours of filing time will also be taken out with records located on a secure server. This is affordable getting rid of paper files and all the costs related to them.

This process is also a space-saver, getting rid of filing cabinets full of loads of patient records. The space may instead be utilized for other purposes like a new examining room or as an appropriate waiting area for patients. Medical record scanning can be executed in everybody's office.

Medical Scanning and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)

Does this process violate the security and privacy of health records?

HIPPA, signed by former president Bill Clinton in 1996, seeks to boost the efficiency of the U.S.'s health care system by encouraging the widespread use of electronic data interchange

Digital medical records are the results of this. Most people worry about the privacy of their record. Naturally, HIPPA compliance is an important aspect of the electronic medical record system.

If you are a patient who has just visited a doctor or a drugstore, it is most likely that you've been given a pamphlet about HIPPA. Upon getting it, you are required to sign a form that shows that you've received this data. There'll be a space where you could identify who's permitted and who isn't to review your personal health care information. Don't forget to read the information very carefully before you sign the form.

Online Service Providers

If you are a doctor trying to find online service providers who can scan medical records for you, look for ones that offer these services:

- An online service provider who develops and keeps information, stores, protects, and recovers data correctly
-An online service provider who creates accessibility to important patient information
-Establishes a highly effective approach for records and data management
-Ensures HIPPA compliance across various locations
-Reduces the stress on the IT staff

There are plenty of service providers in New York you can check out who'll offer these services. With Long Island document scanning, both sides (doctors and patients) benefit from organizing medical records and efficient storage.

Article Source : records scanning-efficient file storage and organization_135498.aspx

Author Resource :

Lyle Osborne is a Cardiologist who is familiar with the key benefits of medical records scanning and is looking for a long island document scanning service providers.

Keywords : medical records scanning, long island document scanning ,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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