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Dave Simians has 4 Published Articles

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Mayan 2012 prophesy misconception

Posted On : Apr-08-2011 | seen (784) times | Article Word Count : 625 |

It has been glorified and testified by man as the holy grail of dooms day theory; Mayan Calendar and its predictions have misled the common man just as much as it has fascinated the blind. We have seen it on television, read it in books, and now we see many videos on ‘You Tube’.
It has been glorified and testified by man as the holy grail of dooms day theory; Mayan Calendar and its predictions have misled the common man just as much as it has fascinated the blind. We have seen it on television, read it in books, and now we see many videos on ‘You Tube’. But, the truth is stranger than fiction. Many people ask if the world will end on 2012. The short answer is ‘No’, and the complicated answer is ‘Yes’. In terms of natural digesters destroying the world through flood, tsunami, fire and ice is just a fable meant to entertain the world, but the ones who were preaching the words of Mayan, forgot that Mayan truth far exceeds any entertainment aspect for human kind. The Mayan did say the world will end on December 21st 2012, but not in a way you think. From deciphering their calendar and drawings, some of the smartest archeologist and theologians have been put underground of mainstream media castle, only because their truth will not bring in the ratings. These underdogs said, that in 2012 humanity will enter a new realm, and a slow transformation into becoming star child of this universe.

This new age, and the new world will be in the time of spirituality and becoming one with the Universe; such process will take around 2-5 years, but it will start on December 21st 2012 at 9:11 am. I am sure you saw the time: 9:11 am. Mayan not only predicted the 911 attacks on WTC, but they also predicted the tsunami of south East Asia in 2006, and the Japan earthquake of 9.0 magnitudes on rector scale. But can the world end in an apocalyptic manner as described the mainstream media? Yes, it can, by the NWO (world governments) whose sole purpose is to initiate 75-80% of world population. The insiders at NASA and CIA have predicted that an artificial alien attack could happen on that day, to kill, protect, and control man kind by the same entity. This is why Late Stanley A. Fulham, the Ex-NORAD retired officer predicted the October 13th 2010 UFO sighting over Manhattan four months prior to the event, because the aliens of 4th dimension knew the plans of our government, and their agenda to pollute the air with carbon dioxide. Those 4th dimensional aliens want to help humanity, and they have been fighting our governments for years.

One of the biggest misconceptions of Mayan calendar has been its prediction on our solar system’s entrance in the Galactic plains. Galactic plains is simply a term used to describe an even in the universe, when the star system is in the exact same alignment with the center of the galaxy. Every solar system moves in a wave length, as sometimes it goes up, and sometimes it goes down like a graph. Currently our solar system was supposed to reach that center point alignment with the galaxy on December 21st 2012, the so called doomsday. Mayan did predict the date of the event right, but not the year. According to the Hindu Vedas, our solar system was supposed to enter the Galactic plains on December 21st 2010 at 9:40 am. This means, we are actually in the Galactic plains as we speak. If you also noticed, on December 21st 2010, we had a lunar eclipse, which was a big indicator of a major event. There is no eclipse of any kind on December 21st 2012. If also you noticed ever since December 21st 2010, the world has been changing, from the floods of Australia, to the uprising in Middle East, and the big 9.0 earthquake of Japan, all these events have occurred after the Dec 21st 2010 date.

Article Source : 2012 prophesy misconception_58612.aspx

Author Resource :
to learn more about Mayan Calendar or to read the new book on 2012 dooms day, visit the author’s website.

Keywords : Mayan Calendar, 2012 dooms day, 2012 end of days, 2012 end of the world, 2012 theory, 2012 secrets,

Category : Society : Society

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