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Marketing Job Descriptions

Posted On : Aug-03-2011 | seen (406) times | Article Word Count : 428 |

Planning to build a career in marketing? Then you have just arrived at the right place! In simple terms, marketing is all about promoting and selling a company’s products and services in the market.
Planning to build a career in marketing? Then you have just arrived at the right place! In simple terms, marketing is all about promoting and selling a company’s products and services in the market. Unlike in the yesteryears, today, you will come across several career options in the field of marketing. To know more about the various job openings in marketing, quickly have a look!

Different Types of Marketing Jobs

If you are planning to build a career in marketing, then you can work in a company’s public relations department, brand management division or in the market research division. To know more about the primary responsibilities of each of these departments and the various positions that are offered to the employees working in these departments, just read on!

• Working in the Public Relations Department: The public relations department of an organization is responsible for maintaining effective communication with the investors, media, employees, consumers as well as the public in general. They are regarded as the company’s spokespeople. They are responsible for writing press releases for promoting their company’s new products or services or to keep the investment community updated on the company’s financial results, business partnerships as well as any other news regarding the company.

An individual can work as a book publicist, public relations director, press secretary, communications manager or as a public relations specialist in a company’s public relations department.

• Working in the Company’s Brand Management Division: The primary duty of brand managers is to promote the company’s brand name in the market by adopting various innovating marketing strategies. They are responsible for identifying new marketing opportunities, communicating effectively the distinguishing benefits of the company’s products and services, and identifying their key rivals in different product and service categories. An individual can work as a brand manager, product development manager, and so on, in the company’s brand management division.

• Market Research: Market research means doing a thorough analysis of the target market. The target market may be individuals or companies. The term market research is all about understanding the ever changing needs and requirements of the consumers, their tastes and preferences, their buying habits, and so on. You can work as a market analyst or as a market research director, supervisor or manager.

Today, there are several small and big companies looking for qualified candidates for their marketing division. So without any further delay, start applying in these companies and get yourself a good job in a company’s marketing department.

Article Source : Job Descriptions_71015.aspx

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To know more details about Marketing Job Descriptions visit our website Sample Job descriptions

Keywords : Marketing Job Descriptions, Sample Job descriptions,

Category : Business : Careers

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