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Youssef El Hodaigui has 14 Published Articles

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Make Free Calls from your PC.

Posted On : Jun-23-2009 | seen (1289) times | Article Word Count : 368 |

Communication is the basic requirement when the humanity slowly advanced step by step into global arena. We have our family to talk to when we are away in another part of the country or for that matter another continent. Our dear children might be studying miles and miles away. For a touring businessman, contacting his customers and family members becomes top priority item in the agenda.
Telephone services with trunk call facilities broke the barrier. But impediments like waiting for calls and wasting time for reaching the telephony services persisted.

Satellite Technologies changed the entire scenario. Wireless telephone sets, hand held mobile phones came in handy by giving mobility to the telephone services. Still the cost factor persisted. Sizable amount of money was still being spent in long distance phone contacts. Whereas business expenses were taken care of by respective businesses, individual families still were feeling the burden.

The coming of World Wide Web in this scenario has been a great boon. If you are having a computer and a reliable Internet connection, you can make free calls from PC to mobile phones and start talking within a few moments. The fast moving lifestyle has at last found the right way to catch up with appropriate communication tools to gain the proper impetus.

At present, the telecommunication industry all over the globe has effectively introduced cost effective and virtually free communication lines for the benefit of the people. The quality of the voice also which has been transmitted/received by the above means is exceptionally good. This technology, which is called VoIP, is so easy to install in PC or laptop. Millions of people all over the globe are using this service based on VoIP technology and the level of their satisfaction is amazing.

This service is also rendered by messengers like yahoo, gmail, msn, Skype and Vanage. In addition, some websites give these PC to phone call services by charging and getting registered with some nominal amount. If the present trend is maintained, the time is not far off, when due to stiff competition; various websites will provide absolutely free services to promote their websites.

The messengers permit you to have audio as well as video calls and even conferencing. All these changes did not occur all of a sudden. The co-operation of dedicated technical experts of different nations and their close co-operation have made it possible to come to this level of free calls, which compared to earlier days’ technology, is nothing short of BOON.

Article Source : Free Calls from your PC._1283.aspx

Author Resource :
To know more about the services go to the site Free Calls.

Keywords : Free Calls, Cheap Phone Cards, Cheap Calls, Free Phone Calls,

Category : Communications : Broadband Internet

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