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Madrid City Tours,
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Madrid Excursions

Posted On : May-12-2010 | seen (296) times | Article Word Count : 464 |

If you love the bustle and hustle of the big cities the Madrid, Spain will be the right choice for you. This capital of Spain has too much to provide in terms of sights and culture to see.
If you love the bustle and hustle of the big cities the Madrid, Spain will be the right choice for you. This capital of Spain has too much to provide in terms of sights and culture to see. Madrid tour has been attracting the visitors and tourists in within the last two decades. Hence, let us see how can visit and enjoy the Madrid tour.

To complete the Madrid tour it is must visit the popular Prado Museum. Even if you are not interested much in the art and skills, yet you will find the museum very attractive and fascinating. It is fully packed with the masterpieces that are very old and also few great pieces from few of the modern artists of Spain. The most popular master piece of art over here is the popular wall Guernica painted by the Famous Pablo Picasso. The picture displays the famous and the horrible scene during the Spanish Civil War from the attack on the town known as Guernica. Most of them get moved by after looking at this painting.

The other place recommended while Madrid tour is the Plaza Mayor. It has everything done in the style of old-world and has everything from shops to offices.

If you are a big fan of football, then the next best place for you is to visit the Madrid football stadium. The history of club is laid out and in case, your have enough luck you can also score tickets for one of the games.

The next best place to see while Madrid tour is the popular El Escorial. Here you can view the valley of a touching and falling monument erected to honor the ones that dies in Civil War of Spain. You can also visit the popular University of Salamanca. Various popular authors of Spain studied here like the author of “Don Quixote,” Miguel de Cervantes.

You can also see the Arab Wall. Spain and Madrid were always strongly related to Arab culture. This place is one of the oldest areas of Madrid with buildings and streets that are approximately about hundred years old.

Also, check for El Palacio Real. It has a long history coming up from Arabs to the Austrians and later into Spaniards. Look for the majestic Throne room decorated with exclusive mosaics and stucco.

Look for Casa de America. It is a beautiful house that has great royal architecture. The house has rooms for exhibits, auditorium and library.

Have a look at Casa de Museo Lope de Vega: It is a house of Felix Lope de Vega, who was a legendary playwright of Spain. You can check for his garden where you can see ancient fruit trees that was mostly mentioned in his diaries.

Article Source : Excursions_18599.aspx

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The author has great knowledge about Excursion in Madrid. With his knowledge, he has written many articles on Private tour Madrid. He has organized many Cordoba Tour.

Keywords : Madrid City Tours, guided tour in Madrid, sightseeing Madrid, Madrid excursions, tourguide, bike tour, attractions, bus, coa,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Travel and Leisure

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