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Posted On : Sep-01-2011 | seen (272) times | Article Word Count : 746 |

Multivariate testing is the process in which a website tester can test more than one element of a website at the same time. When we talk about unique Software Testing Services; Multivariate Testing is one of them.
Multivariate testing is the process in which a website tester can test more than one element of a website at the same time. When we talk about unique Software Testing Services; Multivariate Testing is one of them. A multivariate test may include testing the colour of button, title of the webpage, any image, any text, etc. The chief feature of multivariate testing is that it allows testing two or more variants of the same webpage by using a series of variants. For example, button + image, image + headline, or button + image + headline at the same time.
A webpage is a collection of various elements, i.e. headline, image, buttons and text that affect the conversion rate. Conversion rate is the rate at which a user performs an action to test, such as clicking on a button or product to test their conduct. We have two principal approaches used to support multivariate testing on website. First one is page tagging’. It is a process where the website owner introduces javascript into the website to put in content variants and monitor visitor response. Also, it determines for how long users stayed on a website together with any click or conversion related actions performed. Page tagging tracks what a user observed on the website. It is usually performed by a technical team and cannot be accomplished by a web marketer.
The second principal approach, website design, does not require page tagging. In this approach, it is possible to interrupt and process all web traffic and insert content variants and monitor visitor response. While creating the multivariate test, initially we choose a tool or framework that helps in multivariate testing. Basically, each section of our webpage that we want to test is encapsulated with javascript within the test setup process.
We have to decide which tool to use and which section to include in the test. For example, a webpage contains hundreds of different elements, such as title, buttons, text, etc. We cannot include all the sections in the test. So we make a variation for all of them, such as:
Title: Title1 + Title2, Button: Button1 + Button2, Text: Text1 + Text2
The above three elements have two versions. According to the combinations, when we combine variations of the sections, 8 (2*2*2) versions come off the webpage.
In the above 8 combinations, we have to see which combination has the highest conversion rate.
Multivariate testing, an integral part of Software Testing Services can be divided into three categories:
* Full factorial testing
* Fractional factorial testing
* Taguchi testing
In full factorial testing, we have to test all the combinations of the option. For example, a webpage has 4 page elements as username (first name, last name), password (old password, new password), marital status (single, married), and gender (male, female), each with two options. In this case, we have 16 (2*2*2*2) combinations to test. In this testing, we need more data to get results. This testing takes longer time than the fractional factorial testing.
In fractional factorial testing, we have to test only the fractional of all combination. For example, if we have 8 combinations, then we would have 4 combinations to test. In this testing, we need less data to get results.
Taguchi testing is a variation of fractional factorial testing. It is a statistical testing which allows us to reduce the number of combinations. For example, we have 2 elements, such as image (image1, image2) and button (button1, button2), each with 2 versions. We will need to test the 4 (2*2) combinations using traditional multivariate method. While with taguchi testing, the number of combinations needed is reduced to 2.
Software Testing Services are intended to ensure quality of a product or application before it reaches the end user. Multivariate Testing is one the unique approach which helps website tester to test many elements simultaneously. There are many paid and free of cost tools that can be very helpful in multivariate testing. Some of the tools that can be used are Accenture Digital Optimization, Conversion Doubler, Conversion Multiplier, EyeView, Google Website Optimizer, Hiconversion, SplitAnalyzer, Split Testing Pro, Visual Website Optimizer, etc. On the whole, multivariate testing is very advantageous as it consumes less amount of time as multiple combinations are tested at the same time. It has really proven itself as an effective way to increase sales from the existing website traffic.

Article Source : TESTING_78585.aspx

Author Resource :
Knowledge Sharing Team at QA InfoTech is responsible for research on new tools & technologies for effective Software Quality Assurance and Testing services across all industry verticals. QA InfoTech (an ISO 9001:2008 & CMMI III certified) is one of the leading Software Testing Companies with five testing “Centers of Excellence” in the United States and India. It offers end to end software testing services.

Keywords : Software Testing Services,

Category : Computers : Software

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