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Looking for a Conservatory That is Eco-friendly and Classy? Choose Hardwood

Posted On : Jan-31-2012 | seen (421) times | Article Word Count : 495 |

Whilst the conventional type of conservatory nowadays is UPVC, it is also becoming increasingly popular for people to invest in hardwood. Dating back to the Victorian era, a hardwood conservatory is able to provide you with an extension that is both aesthetically pleasing and energy efficient. Being much more eco-friendly to create than UPVC, a hardwood conservatory will help you to reduce your carbon footprint, as well as giving your garden that unique, natural look.
If you’re looking for a simple extension onto your house that will provide you with warmth and additional light, a conservatory seems to be the perfect solution. As well as providing you with that extra space, a conservatory can let you escape the busy comings and goings of everyday life. The conventional white UPVC conservatory is both thermally efficient and low maintenance, due to its ability to withstand even the toughest weather. But have you considered investing in a hardwood conservatory? Whilst they may not be the conventional thing to picture when you think of conservatories, hardwood conservatories are becoming increasingly popular as they provide an attractive and interesting alternative to the conventional white UPVC that we are all so familiar with.

Hardwood conservatories originate from the Victorian period when it was a regular occurrence to use them for the purpose of growing seeds and plants that were brought into this country from warmer climates. Hardwood conservatories have still managed to stay in fashion however, even though we now use greenhouses for this purpose. This may be due to a number of reasons but a contributing factor is that a hardwood conservatory is both energy efficient and aesthetically pleasing. This is due to the fact that they are made from the natural material, timber.

Unlike UPVC, timber is eco-friendly and much greener as it is renewable, meaning that it is much less damaging to our environment. A white UPVC conservatory, from an aesthetic point of view however, can often look a bit alien when compared to its surroundings. Whereas, it is arguable that a hardwood conservatory looks better outside as there are plenty of colours in a garden that match the hardwood’s natural shade. Your garden can be given a more natural look by investing in a hardwood conservatory as they almost have the ability to blend into the background.

Another benefit of investing in a hardwood conservatory is that, in comparison to UPVC, hardwood can actually help to increase the level of light that you would be getting. This is because hardwood frames can afford to be much thinner, meaning that there is consequently more space for glass and less chance of blocking out the light. With the option to choose from various styles such as traditional or contemporary designs, you can turn your conservatory into a room that will truly suit you and your home.

By investing in a hardwood conservatory, you are also allowing yourself to have the chance of a greater choice of colour and finish. Hardwood, unlike UPVC can be painted or vanished easily allowing you the flexibility to change the style of your conservatory whenever you wish. As well as being aesthetically pleasing, investing in a hardwood conservatory can also be beneficial to you practically as, by combining the wood with double glazed windows, you can produce a conservatory that offers a classic style, but that is also thermally efficient for you and your family.

Article Source : for a Conservatory That is Eco-friendly and Classy? Choose Hardwood_141409.aspx

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Conservatory Quote Online aim to provide you with competitive quotes for all kinds of conservatories. They provide an online service which will help you to choose the right type of conservatory for your home. With their 'Best Price Deal' package available.

For more information about Hardwood Conservatories, visit:

Keywords : hardwood, conservatories, frames, efficient,

Category : Home and Family : Home Improvement

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