Local Cigar Clubs
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As legislation makes it harder and harder to enjoy a cigar publicly, cigar clubs are great resources to have a cigar among friends.
It is no secret that it is getting infinitely more difficult to find an indoor place to enjoy a cigar with your cigar smoking pals. As winter begins to grip those of us that live in cold weather places, the difficulty becomes even more acute and we inevitably face the prospects of limited enjoyment of our beloved cigars.
It certainly doesn’t have to be that way. Despite the challenges we face in finding a place to smoke, we cigar enthusiasts are a resourceful lot and, overall, we have been busy finding solutions.
One such solution is the local cigar smoking club. Over the past several years, the growth and vitality of local cigar smoking clubs has grown tremendously. This growth may be the result of mounting legislation against smoking in public places, overall growth in the number of people smoking premium cigars, or just simply an increased interest in enjoying cigars with like-minded people. More likely than not, it is a combination of all three, and maybe some others that I haven’t thought of.
There are estimated to be more than 5,000 local cigar smoking clubs in the United States alone, and that number is double the amount that existed as few as 8 years ago. Most of the clubs are informal groups that meet on a regular basis to allow members to smoke good cigars together and share information about our great passion for cigars.
The clubs meet as frequently as once per week and as infrequently as semi-monthly, depending on the desires of the members. The groups often rotate meeting at houses of members, at local cigar shops/lounges, or at bars/restaurants.
Most cigar enthusiasts that belong to a local cigar club indicate it is the best thing they ever did, as a cigar smoker. They enjoy the opportunities to smoke good cigars, meet other cigar guys, and learn more about cigars. They also indicate that, since joining the cigar club, they had smoked more cigars than ever before, and they also have built an even greater interest and appreciation for cigars.
For those who love cigars, there is nothing like smoking a good cigar. It pleases beyond measure, gives meaningful perspective on troubles, and increases the enjoyment of good fortune. And any cigar is enjoyed infinitely more when it is smoked with a fellow cigar smoker.
Alfred de Musset, a well known cigar enthusiast, is quoted as saying "Any cigar smoker is friend, because I know how he feels."
So if you don’t belong to a cigar club in your local area, find one and become a part of it. If you can’t find a club near you, start one yourself. You will be glad you did it and so will the other guys you are with.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Local Cigar Clubs_44285.aspx
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StogieBoys is America’s fastest growing online cigar retailer. With over 1400 products, and years of industry knowledge, StogieBoys is the #1 choice for cigars, accessories, and information.
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