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Linen Fabrics - could it be alternative for organic fabric

Posted On : Jul-07-2011 | seen (472) times | Article Word Count : 525 |

Linen is an age old fabric, one which is durable and easy to care for. It has stood the test of time, and increasingly its benefits are being realized when compared to man-made or conventionally produced fabrics for the home.
Linen is an age old fabric, one which is durable and easy to care for. It has stood the test of time, and increasingly its benefits are being realized when compared to man-made or conventionally produced fabrics for the home.

Today there is an increasing focus on environmental concerns, which is now being applied to not only how our foods are grown, but also how our fabrics and furniture are manufactured. This means that many people are now looking for alternatives to conventionally produced products.

Fabrics of all types require intensive production methods. Man-made fibres use large amounts of chemicals, dyes and also fossil fuels for their production. This not only exhausts our natural resources, but risks polluting our already damaged environment further.

Natural fibers such as cotton often use large amounts of pesticides and other chemicals in order for them to be grown effectively, as they must be protected from the insects that may eat them, and diseases that may cause them to fail. Once grown, they are bleached and processed-again using chemical pollutants.

Organic fibers are now available, but unfortunately tend to be rather more expensive. Organic growing methods don't produce such high yields, and are more prone to crop failures, so increasing the costs which are then passed onto the customer.

There is a better alternative to both organic and conventionally produced fabrics. Natural linen is kinder to the environment when it comes to being grown-it takes only 10% of the pesticides and other chemicals that conventionally grown fabrics need. This drastically decreases the impact it has on the environment when compared to cotton, without any loss of crop yield or any increase in crop failure.

Natural linen can be woven into incredibly beautiful fabrics without the need for harsh processing or chemicals. It's natural color is attractive and needs no dyes, though colors and patterns can be applied if so desired. More importantly, its natural color is pleasing enough that it does not need bleaching as cotton does, and bleach can be incredibly damaging to the environment when handled inappropriately.

For families with children, natural linen is even more beneficial. Many other fabrics use chemicals not only in their manufacture, but also in their preservation. Chemicals are applied to keep them looking good whilst they are on display, and your children are then exposed to these chemicals when they sit on the furniture that uses those fabrics, or simply by being in the room with chemically treated curtains.

Linen retains its beautiful look without the need for chemicals. It does not age like other fabrics and in fact when cared for properly it can last for many, many years. Care of linen is simple-it needs only to be kept free of dust, and spot cleaned. It resists staining, making further or more complicated care almost unnecessary.

Linen is an attractive alternative for people who are concerned about the environment and yet who want a durable and good looking fabric for the home. For those who are as conscious of their budget as they are of the environment there is nothing better.

Article Source : Fabrics - could it be alternative for organic fabric_65408.aspx

Author Resource :
This is well written informative article about linen fabrics. Explained well is the point that linen fabric are incorrectly applied to many organic fabrics when they use a linen weave.

Keywords : linen fabrics, organic fabrics,

Category : Fashion : Clothing

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