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Limit Side Effects of Radiation & Chemotherapy

Posted On : Aug-20-2011 | seen (845) times | Article Word Count : 594 |

Cancer needs no introduction. When one is diagnosed with it, the resulting experience is life-altering. Regardless of the type of cancer or the prognosis, most patients will have to undergo some chemotherapy and/or radiation.
Chemotherapy involves a regimen of drugs that have the ability to kill cancer cells and stop them from spreading. Chemotherapy can do several things. One is relieving cancer symptoms, such as pain. Another is controlling the cancer, slowing its growth. A third is curing the cancer, eliminating all evidence of cancerous cells.
It is often used in conjunction with another common technique, radiation therapy. This one uses energy expelled from X-rays, gamma rays and neutrons to shrink tumors and, hopefully, kill cancer cells. An external machine might shine radiation on the body or radioactive material might be placed inside the body near cancer cells.
Most of us know of the side effects, which can be significant and impair quality of life. You might have a few side effects, or if you’re lucky, none at all. The problem is that chemotherapy and radiation may affect healthy cells along with the targeted cancer cells. For that reason, it can cause symptoms such as fatigue, pain, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, anemia, nervous-system problems, infections, problems in the mouth, gums and throat, diarrhea, constipation, kidney/bladder problems, muscle problems, skin and nail effects, flu-like symptoms and a nonexistent libido.
Supplements to Consider
This article is about how to improve that quality of life by minimizing the impact of side effects. And you could find relief. Many supplements and herbs show promise in reducing your side effects and boosting your comfort, and many of them are part of Chinese medicine. Here they are, along with the chemotherapy or radiation side effects that they could help eliminate.
This supplement has been found beneficial in people taking the chemo drug “5-FU,” specifically helping reduce diarrhea. A dose of 18 grams (g) per day could reduce symptoms of diarrhea and reduce damage to your intestines.7
These “friendly” bacteria are housed in supplements that truly help the digestive system. A study of 164 chemo patients found that a probiotic capsule reduced gastrointestinal side effects.8 Another study of 200 people on radiation found that probiotics significantly improved diarrhea.9
This supplement has shown some early potential for limiting gastrointestinal side effects from chemo.
Mouthwash made with chamomile helps prevent mouth sores in chemo patients. A cream made from chamomile may be a soothing therapy for radiation-induced skin sores.
Soap made with aloe gel protects the skin from radiation damage — so says a study of 75 patients.10 Aloe is also an excellent topical treatment for any skin problems caused by cancer treatment.
Beta-carotene/Vitamin E
These two antioxidant vitamins could prevent mouth sores caused by cancer treatment.
This is a great natural way to relieve the nausea that chemotherapy drugs cause. It is particularly effective for those on the drug “8-MOP.”11
A cream made from calendula flowers could help protect the skin during radiation therapy. In fact, compared to a standard treatment, calendula is more effective.12
Radiation near the mouth could alter your sense of taste. Using zinc supplements could counteract this symptom.
Proteolytic Enzymes
Radiation to the pelvic area can trigger nausea, vomiting and fatigue. Symptoms could be reduced when you take proteolytic enzymes, such as papain and bromelain.
This supplement has shown promise for treating side effects of the chemo drug “ifosfamide.”
Fish Oil
Because they’re high in the omega-3 acid “DHA,” these supplements may decrease side effects of the drug “irenotecan.”
This natural hormone, in supplement form, has promise in reducing side effects of many chemo drugs.
Coenzyme Q10
This popular supplement may prevent heart damage that can be caused by the drug “doxorubicin.”

Article Source : Side Effects of Radiation & Chemotherapy _75215.aspx

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Keywords : Chemotherapy side effects, radiation therapy, kill cancer cells,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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