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Life Without Pain is Possible

Posted On : Apr-24-2011 | seen (644) times | Article Word Count : 443 |

Almost 15% of adults experience painful vascular headaches called migraine headaches. More than 29.5 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches with women being about three times more likely to be migraine sufferers than men. However, according to the National Headache Foundation only about 50% of migraine sufferers ever look for medical advice and treat this disease.
Almost 15% of adults experience painful vascular headaches called migraine headaches. More than 29.5 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches with women being about three times more likely to be migraine sufferers than men. However, according to the National Headache Foundation only about 50% of migraine sufferers ever look for medical advice and treat this disease.

Migraines typically appear as a reversible severe headache. The aura as the matter of fact is showed among few cases of migraines in people. The severity of the head-pain, the period of the pain, and frequency of manifestations are varying among patients. However cases of migraine which last 72 hours or more are usually treated in stationary conditions.

The headache usually occurs in one half of the head (but it can capture both halves), extends to the eye, upper jaw, neck and is characterized by a constant throbbing, aggravated by any stimuli (noise, light, smell). The duration of a typical migraine attack lasts from several minutes to several hours, sometimes up to several days.
Severity of migraine illness ranges from rare (few times per year), relatively light attacks to the daily, but, more often, migraine attacks are repeated at regular intervals 2-8 times per month. Periodic or unpredictable loss of efficiency during the attacks and shortly after them can lead to the need for patient disability, the patient's inability to work enough hours per week or work at all.

Acute and burning pain often felt just on one, and sometimes both, sides of the head is the most common symptom of migraines. Severe migraine pain can sometimes last for several days. Many people are not able to work during a headache attack. At times they need to be isolated in a quite place until migraine passes. People suffering from migraine should not simply tolerate the pain and live with it. Life without migraine pain is possible. There are a number of medications available today which can help to forget about the pain. For example, many people experience migraine relief when taking Imitrex. Its effectiveness was proven many times in different studies.

For instance, in one study, 52% to 62% of people with migraine headache had no pain within two hours of taking Imitrex pills, compared to only 27 percent who did not take Imitrex. Within four hours, as many as 79% of people who had taken Imitrex had migraine relief, compared to just 38 percent of people not taking it. Imitrex drug is highly effective in treating migraine headaches.

It's up to you to decide whether to tolerate migraine headache or treat it, but remember that life without pain is possible!

Article Source : Without Pain is Possible_60306.aspx

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